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Family Deployment Journals: Kids, Spouses, and Parents Tell Their Heart-Felt Stories
#9358 You, too, have a deployment story to tell. Make sure every member of your immediate and extended family
is equipped with these wonderful tools for recording feelings and events relating to the deployment of a loved one.
Be sure to include parents and kids in your circle of journaling activities. Five years from now you’ll find this was a very
life-enriching activity as you relive your deployment experience and literally “tell your story.” A wonderful way to express
feelings and document one of the most challenging experiences for today’s military family.
96 to 192 pages each. Can purchase separately. SPECIALS: $55.95 for all 3 journals; 10
copies of 3 journals (30) for $555.95; 100 copies of 3 journals (300) for $4,599.00.
y Deployment Journal for Kids ($15.95) y Deployment Journal for Spouses ($21.95)
y Deployment Journal for Parents ($19.95)
#9333 DEPLOYMENT JOURNAL FOR KIDS. Ra- #9338 NIGHT CATCH. Brenda Ehrmantraut.
chel Robertson. Deployment can be hard on kids. When a soldier’s work takes him halfway around
This inviting journal is a great way for kids to express the world, he enlists the help of the North Star for
their feelings when someone they love is deployed. a nightly game of catch with his son. This time-
Encourages kids to record their feelings and events. less story connects families while they are apart
Contains calendar pages, writing ideas, interesting and offers comforting hope for their reunion. 32 pages. 2014. $9.95.
facts about common deployment locations, military defiitions, and SPECIALS: 10 copies for $89.95; 100 copies for $799.95.
a pocket to keep mementos. 96 pages. 2005. $15.95. SPECIALS: 10 #9337 THE GOOD FIRE HELMET. Tim Hoppey
copies for $145.95; 100 copies for $1,295.00. and Lori McElrath-Eslick. A story about being brave
#9334 DEPLOYMENT JOURNAL FOR SPOUS- in everyday life and believing in yourself. Ten-
ES (2nd Edition). Designed for spouses, fiancees, year-old Tommy and six-year-old Christian trea-
special friends, or anyone who has a loved one sure the firefighter’s helmet that once belonged
deployed with the military. Keeping Track section to their dad. Christian believes the helmet makes
helps users log milestones, communication, and him brave when he gets a shot at the doctor’s of-
special moments. Produced with a textured golden fice and wards off scary shadows at night, but his big brother isn’t so
Pellaq cover and yellow ribbon. 192 pages. 2008. $21.95. SPE- sure. Tommy’s real test of courage comes the day Christian falls into
CIALS: 10 copies $199.95; 100 copies for $1,799.00. the creek and is swept downstream, along with the helmet. Tommy
draws on memories of his dad – and the courage he finds inside him-
#9335 DEPLOYMENT JOURNAL FOR PAR- self – to rescue his brother. 32 pages. 2010. $16.95. SPECIALS: 10
ENTS. For parents of a deployed child. Keeping copies for $153.95; 100 copies for $1,359.00.
Track section helps users log milestones, commu-
nication, and special moments. Produced with a #9339 SUMMER OF COURAGE. Karen Pavlicin-
Fragnito. An award-winning middle grade novel
textured golden Pellaq cover and yellow ribbon.
192 pages. 2008. $19.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies about 10-year-old Andy who is coping with
$179.95; 100 copies for $1,599.00. changes in his life. He misses his dad, who died of
cancer, and his best friend, Anthony, who moved
away. Now this city boy is spending the sum-
#9336 MILITARY LIFE: Stories and Poems mer at Grandma’s farmhouse in rural upstate
for Children. This collection of original stories New York. Everything is changing. Can Andy
and poems touches on many aspects of military find the courage he needs? In a summer filled
life. From moving to making new friends, de- with family, fishing, and friendship, Andy discovers what happens
ployment, homecoming, patriotism, and tender when you mix rotten apples with a little bit of faith. Includes a
family moments. This book gives a glimpse of recipe for crow’s nest, rules for gin rummy, and a discussion guide.
the many joys and challenges military children experience. 48 160 pages. 2014. $12.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $116.95;
pages. 2011. $12.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $116.95; 100 100 copies for $1,039.95.
copies for $1,039.95.
#9341 THE WISHING TREE. Mary Redman, il-
#9340 CEDRIC AND THE DRAGON. Elizabeth lustrated by Christina Rodriguez. Amanda creates
Raum and Nina Victor Crittenden. Young Prince Ced- a wishing tree during her dad’s year-long mili-
ric, who was slow to walk and has a tough time with tary deployment. By writing her thoughts and
reading and math, fails miserably at dragon-slaying prayers on yellow ribbons and tying them to the
school. But with kindness and his love of hugs, Ce- branches, Amanda is able to express her feelings
dric saves the kingdom. This cheerful picture book and feel connected to her dad’s daily life. As she
reminds us there is more than one way to solve a problem and re- wishes for her dad to enjoy good meals, make new friends, and re-
inforces the idea that everyone has something special to offer. En- turn safely, the little tree comes to life with yellow ribbons of hope.
courages young children to act with compassion toward others and This heartwarming story beautifully illustrates the range of feelings a
avoid violence. 32 pages. 2010. $16.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for child experiences when a parent is deployed, the power of hope and
$153.95; 100 copies for $1,359.00. prayer, and the joy of a parent returning home. Learn more about
creating your own wishing tree. 32 pages. 2006. $15.95. SPECIALS:
Heart of a Hawk: 10 copies for $127.95; 100 copies for $957.00.
One Family’s Sacrifice
& Journey Toward Healing Surviving the Folded Flag:
Deborah Tainsh Parents of War Share Stories
#9342 David and Deborah Tainsh were of Coping, Courage, and Faith
living the happiest years of their lives Deborah Tainsh
until the dark morning of February 12, #9343 Shares essays from more than
2004, when a 6am knock at the door 25 parents who received the dreaded
brought the devastating news – their son, Sergeant Patrick news that their child had died in mil-
Tainsh, had been killed in Iraq. Patrick, David’s only child, itary service. These invaluable stories
was the pride of his life. He was the son who overcame a show how today’s military families
rebellious, drug-addicted youth to become an outstanding are surviving the folded flag and give
U.S. Army Cavalry Scout. In the wake of their loss, David and a glimpse into the lives of fallen service members and
Deborah battle horrific grief and anger while trying to hold their families. Also includes advice for other Gold Star
their marriage together in an unforgettable journey toward families, their friends, and family members. 184 pages.
healing. 192 pages. 2006. $14.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for 2010 $14.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $134.95; 100
$134.95; 100 copies for $1,195.95. copies for $1,195.95.
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