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Military Spouses, Families, Deployments

     The Ultimate Military Deployment and Reunion Kit
     #9353  Since 9/11, over 2.1 million service members have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. On any given day, nearly
     200,000 U.S. troops are serving abroad in 177 countries. Their departure, absence, and return have created many chal-
     lenges for military spouses, children, and marriages. Indeed, deployment has resulted in many unexpected sacrifices
     and struggles for increasingly stretched and stressed-out military families. This unique kit pulls together some of the
     finest resources for dealing with today’s deployment experiences. Can purchase separately. $269.95 for all 10 books
     and 1 game. SPECIALS: 5 kits for $1,269.00; 10 kits $2,329.00.
        y The 5 Love Languages Military Edition ($13.99)     y This Book Will Motivate You ($17.95)
        y Be Safe, Love Mom ($19.99)                   y Wounded Warrior, Wounded Home ($29.95)
        y Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul ($16.95)    y A Year of Absence ($24.95)
        y The Deployment Toolkit ($48.00)          GAME
        y Life After Deployment ($14.95)  STRONG       y  WARRIOR SPIRIT: Mission Homefront Q&A
        y Stories Around the Table ($14.95)  LOVE!    Game (Couples Version) ($54.95)
        y Surviving Deployment ($19.95)

     The Military Spouse’s Employment Guide:        BESTSELLER!
     Smart Job Choices for Mobile Lifestyles
     Janet I. Farley
     #8383 Packed with solid advice for overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles to job and
     career success. Answers these and other important questions:
         z How can I have a successful career and be married to someone in uniform?
         z Who can I network with and what will that get me?
         z What are the most and least effective job search techniques?
         z  How do I handle employers who suspect I may move within three years?
         z I’ve gone as far as I can go in my job. Now what?
     Includes insider tips on identifying skills, developing an effective job search, networking,
     writing resumes and letters, managing job interviews, and working for the government.
     2012. 192 pages. ISBN 978-157023-333-3 (paperback) and ISBN 978-157023-336-4 (eBook). $19.95. SPECIALS: 10
     copies for $179.45; 25 copies for $399.00; 100 copies for $1,399.00.
     The Military Spouse’s Employment        The Military Spouse’s Map
     Pocket Guide (2nd Edition)              Through the Maze Pocket Guide
     Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.               Trudy S. Woodring and Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.
                     #9518  This  pocket  guide  helps   #7186 From relocating, volunteer-
                     spouses quickly find and keep a   ing, and handling family finances to
                     job. It shows them how to orga-  raising children, using base services,
                     nize key job search information;   and managing deployment, spous-
                     conduct interviews, follow up,   es often face a daunting task of
                     and negotiate; specify transfer-  knowing what to do and where to
                     able skills, references, and net-  go for assistance. This handy pocket
                      works; write winning resumes,   guide includes a wealth of useful
                      letters, and applications; and   information and tips on navigating
                                             the military maze. It covers such im-
                      survive, thrive, and advance on   portant subjects as base  services,
     the job. Covers important information relating to educa-  TRICARE, pay, benefits, education, health care, deployment, per-
     tion and training, attitudes and goals, barriers to employ-  sonal finances, jobs and careers, etiquette, PTSD, injuries, travel,
     ment, jobs and employers, federal jobs, Internet resources,   relocation, moving overseas, retirement, and much more. 64
     employment assistance, contacts, and resources. 64 pages.   pages. 2009. ISBN 978-1-57023-304-3. $2.95. SPECIALS: 25
     2019. ISBN 978-1-57023-402-6. $3.95. SPECIALS: 25 cop-  copies for $62.85; 100 copies for $207.00; 1,000 cop-
     ies for $84.00; 100 copies for $277.00; 1,000 copies   ies for $1,770.00.
     for $2,370.00. Also featured on page 3.

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