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Military-to-Civilian Resumes and Letters: How to Best
Communicate Your Strengths to Civilian Employers (3rd Edition)
Carl S. Savino and Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.
#5726 Get ready to write your way to a new civilian career! But first, can you translate
your military experience into the language of civilian employers? Can you write power-
ful resumes and letters that grab the attention of employers who, in turn, will want to
immediately contact you for a job interview? Here’s the book that provides important
answers to these and many other questions facing transitioning service members. Writ-
ten by two seasoned military transition experts, this book provides all the necessary
information for writing and distributing awesome job-snatching resumes and letters:
y Identifies 12 major myths and mistakes y Includes examples of 105
y Outlines a 10-step job search process resumes and 28 letters
y Reveals 69 key writing, production, y Identifies nearly 400 key
distribution, and follow-up principles military transition and
y Specifies a 6-step military-to-civilian employer websites BESTSELLER!
language translation process y Sells your strengths
Rich with examples and sound career advice, the book also includes several unique self-evaluation instruments, re-
sume data forms, a directory of career professionals, and an extensive resource section of more than 200 career and
life skills books. 368 pages. 2007. ISBN 978-1-57023-267-1. $21.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for 175.60; 100 copies
for $1,317.00; 1,000 copies for $10,998.00.
#8153 LIFE AFTER THE MILITARY: A Hand- #9006 JOBSEEKER’S GUIDE. (9th Edition) Kath-
book for Transitioning Veterans. Janelle Hill, ryn K.Troutman, with Paulina Chen. Used at 150+ mili-
Cheryl Lawhorne-Scott, and Don Philpott. Transi- tary bases to teach the author’s signature “Ten Steps
tioning to the civilian world can be very stress- to a Federal Job” approach. Newest edition contains:
ful for service members and their families. This the latest federal Human Resources information; new
book goes a long way to alleviating the stress. It sample military, spouse, and wounded warrior re-
addresses finding employment, continuing ed- sumes; updated USAJOBS instruction and application
ucation, managing finances, receiving veterans’ instruction; where to find NAF jobs; and DOD and Intelligence com-
benefits, and many other transition issues. It also munity employment opportunities. Features new information about
examines the emotional and psychological challenges that accom- veterans and military spouses applying for federal jobs; networking
pany such a major transition. 324 pages. 2013. $19.95. SPECIALS: information for non-competitive jobs 172 pages. 2022. $15.95. SPE-
10 copies for $179.95; 100 copies for $1,695.00. CIALS: 10 copies for $149.95; 100 copies for $1,359.00; 1,000
copies for $12,999.00.
The New Military-to-Civilian Transition Kit
#8973 This unique kit includes some of the best career planning, job search, and financial planning resources relevant to transitioning
military personnel and their families. A “must have” library for all military transition centers and libraries. Can purchase separately. SPECIAL:
$499.95 for the complete kit of 35 books and 1 DVD!
BOOKS y Military Financial Independence and Retirement
y 1001 Phrases You Need to Get a Job ($19.95) Pocket Guide ($2.95)
y America’s Top Jobs for People Re-Entering the y Military Personal Finance Pocket Guide ($2.95)
Workforce ($19.95) y Military-to-Civilian Resumes and Letters ($21.95)
y Best Keywords for Resumes, Cover Letters, and y Military-to-Civilian Success for Veterans and
Interviews ($19.95) Their Families ($24.95)
y Dressing Smart for Men ($16.95) y Military-to-Civilian Transition Guide ($13.95)
y Dressing Smart for Women ($16.95) y Military-to-Civilian Transition Pocket Guide ($2.95)
y Federal Resume Guidebook ($15.95) y Mission Transition ($19.95)
y Give Me More Money! ($17.95) y Modernize Your Job Search Letters ($18.95)
y GOALS! How to Get Everything You Want Faster y Modernize Your Resume ($19.95)
Than You Thought Possible ($21.95) y Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2020-2030 ($40.00)
y How to Find a Job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and y Once a Warrior, Always a Warrior: Navigating
Google+ ($20.00) the Transition From Combat to Home ($18.95)
y Job Hunting Tips for People With Hot and y Orders to Nowhere ($21.95)
Not-So-Hot Backgrounds ($17.95) y Out of Uniform ($24.95)
y Job Interviews for Dummies ($19.99) y The Quick 30/30 Job Solution ($14.95)
y Jobseeker’s Guide: How to Land Government Jobs for y Quick Military Transition Guide ($9.95)
Military and Spouses ($15.95) y Resumes for Dummies ($19.99)
y KeyWords to Nail Your Job Interview ($17.95) y What Color Is Your Parachute? ($19.99)
y Military Guide to Financial Independence and y Win the Interview, Win the Job ($15.95)
Retirement ($17.95) y Wounded Warrior, Wounded Home ($29.95)
y Military Family Benefits Pocket Guide ($2.95) DVD
y Military Family Education Pocket Guide ($2.95)
y Marketing Yourself for a Second Career DVD ($49.95)
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