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Overcoming Employment Barriers: 127 Great Tips for Burying
Red Flags and Finding a Job That’s Right for You (2nd Edition)
Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.
#4285 While some employment barriers are caused by other people (discrimination) or circum-
stances beyond one’s control (chronic health issues or natural disasters), most barriers are due to
poor choices, questionable skills, sketchy experience, difficult personalities, and mediocre efforts
that make employers suspicious, hesitant, reluctant, and then unwilling to interview and hire
such people. Profiling 127 employment barriers, the book provides sound advice on how to best
overcome each barrier. The lessons learned here are very clear: few barriers are ever insurmount-
able. 232 pages. Copyright © 2016. ISBN 978-157023-387-6 (paperback). ISBN 978-1-57023-379-
1 (eBook). $19.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $179.60; 25 copies for $424.00; 50 copies for $798.00; 100 copies
for $1,397.00; 500 copies for $5,985.00; 1,000 copies for $9,980.00.
#9906 OCCUPATIONAL OUTLOOK HANDBOOK, Chicken Soup for the Soul:
2020-2030. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The premier
directory for career information. Provides up-to-date Random Acts of Kindness:
insights on 300+ occupations. Perfect resource for 101 Stories of Compassion
anyone making decisions about their future, from and Paying It Forward
high school to career changers. Includes information on the fast- Amy Newmark
est-growing occupations, number of new jobs, and a summary of
the highest-paying occupations. © 2022. 1,320 pages. Softcover #9324 Small gestures can have a big impact on lives. Up-
$40.00. Hardcover $60.00. SPECIALS ON SOFTCOVER: 10 lifting stories help you see the beauty in small, meaningful
copies for $380.00; 100 copies for $3,400.00. SPECIALS ON gestures. 384 pages. 2017. $16.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies
HARDCOVER: 10 copies for $570.00; 100 copies for $5,100.00. for $154.95; 100 copies for $1,399.00.
#7786 QUICK RESUME GUIDE: Six Steps to Building an Ef-
fective Resume. Helps job seekers quickly master resume writ- FLASH CARDS
ing basics, including rewriting and targeting powerful resumes on
key employers. 64 pages. 2010. $8.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for Acing the Interview Cards:
$64.95; 100 copies for $609.50; 500 copies for $2,647.50;
1,000 copies for $5,095.00. Answers to the Top 20 “Killer”
#6351 JOB INTERVIEW SUCCESS WORKBOOK: How to In- Interview Questions
terview Effectively and Answer Common Interview Ques- #4923 Thirty flash cards (3¼” x 3¼”) include answers to
tions. Walks users through dozens of exercises designed to get the top 20 “killer” interview questions. Includes strate-
them ready for their next job interview. Covers everything from gies for handling illegal and trick questions. Terrific way
researching a company’s mission statement to negotiating salary. to quickly prepare for a stressful job interview. $19.99.
Jam-packed with tips and self-evaluation exercises. 44 pages. 2018. SPECIALS: 10 sets for $179.95; 50 sets for $849.95;
$8.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $62.95; 50 copies for $314.75; 100 sets for $1,599.95.
100 copies for $609.50; 1,000 copies for $5,095.00.
Military Transition Assessment Instrument
Military-to-Career Transition Inventory
#8386 The perfect assessment instrument designed specifically for transitioning military per-
sonnel. Helps recent veterans make a successful career transition by focusing on their transition
knowledge and skills. This 60-item assessment features six scales that cover transition manage-
ment, veteran’s benefits, career transition skills, job search basics, resumes and cover letters, and
interviewing and negotiating. The MCTI takes about 25 minutes to complete, offers strategies for
career development and employability, and includes a worksheet for setting goals. 2012. Package
of 25 for $75.00. SPECIALS: 10 packages for $719.95; 100 packages for $5,799.00.
Games: Family Reunion & Military Transition
WARRIOR SPIRIT: Mission Homefront WARRIOR SPIRIT: Mission Homefront Q&A
Q&A Game (Couples Version) Game (Peer, Family, and Community Version)
#4379 This Q&A card game pro- #6518 This evidence-based interactive card deck contains
vides service members and their 400 questions that help transitioning military build meaning-
partners an important setting ful dialogues and quality conversations within their families
for reconnecting, rebuilding, and and communities for reconnecting to a stressful 24/7 civilian
strengthening their loving rela- world. Helps overcome the stigma of not speaking about un-
tionships. Helps couples navigate resolved issues as users share deployment experiences, thus
their unique journey together as they share inspiration, easing the complex and difficult mission of reintegration
encouragement, joy, cooperation, support, and comfort and transition back into family and community. Surprisingly,
for one another. Each question in the card deck offers users share their innermost thoughts, fears, passions, and ex-
an opportunity to build trust, increase communication, periences as they free themselves in a safe environment. This
enjoy interactions, and dissolve defenses. Includes a powerful game helps improve mental health. It may even
free online Facilitator’s Guide. $54.95. SPECIALS: 10 prevent suicide! Free online Facilitator’s Guide. $54.95. SPE-
games for $499.95; 100 games for $4,595.00. CIALS: 10 games for $499.95; 100 games for $4,595.00.
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