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Bestselling Transition Books
The Military-to-Civilian Transition Pocket Guide
The Veteran’s Guide to Finding Great Jobs and Employers (2nd Edition)
Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.
#7192 Our bestselling pocket guide with more than 600,000 copies in print!
Complements the annual Military-to-Civilian Transition Guide and the new
Military-to-Civilian Success for Veterans and Their Families (both featured on
page 3). Filled with the latest strategies and tips for launching a successful mili-
tary-to-civilian transition, this revealing guide helps users:
y Identify transferable military-to-civilian skills
y Locate the best military-friendly companies
y Assess skills and state goals
y Complete applications and write resumes and letters
y Attend and work job fairs effectively
y Network, interview, and negotiate compensation
It also covers such important subjects as starting a business, surviving on the job, planning for retirement, documenting
experience, finding a federal job, and identifying references. Jam-packed with engaging checklists, tips, examples, and
exercises. 64 pages. 3 ” x 4 ”. Fits conveniently into pockets/purses. Copyright © 2016. ISBN 978-1-57023-382-1. $2.95.
SPECIALS: 25 copies for $62.85; 100 copies for $207.00; 1,000 copies for $1,770.00.
The Four Best Job Finding and Survival Guides Everyone Needs Today
#6365 All new editions for 2016/2017! Authored by three of America’s top career experts (Bolles,
Krannich, Yate). Offer seasoned advice on everything from self-assessment and goal setting to writ-
ing resumes and letters, networking, negotiating salary, and accepting offers. Can purchase sepa-
rately. $57.95 for all 4 books. SPECIALS: 5 sets for $269.95; 10 sets for $529.95; 25 sets for
$1,299.00; 100 sets (400 books) for $4,899.00.
y Knock ‘Em Dead: The Ultimate Job Search
Guide ($17.99)
y Overcoming Employment Barriers ($19.95)
y The Quick Job Finding Pocket Guide ($4.95) NEW
y What Color Is Your Parachute? ($19.99) Editions!
Mission Transition: #9104 SOCIAL MEDIA AND YOUR (MILI-
TARY) JOB SEARCH. Karin Lockhart-Durkee.
Managing Your Career Shows how to build an online professional
and Your Retirement presence; grow and leverage a powerful net-
Janet I. Farley work of connections; increase visibility among
recruiters and hiring managers; and research
#9322 The first transition book to careers and job opportunities. Examines the
explain the military’s new Blend- most popular social media network for professionals – Linke-
ed Retirement System (BRS) – dIn – as well as covers Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, You-
begins January 1, 2018. The BRS Tube, QR codes, visual resumes, and other social media and
represents a big shift in how the online tools. 82 pages. 2014. $7.95. SPECIALS: 10 copies
Department of Defense man- for $72.95; 100 copies for $659.00.
ages military retirements. Service members will need #8507 THE QUICK MILITARY TRANSITION
to adopt the new retirement concept, improve their GUIDE: Seven Steps to Landing a Civilian
financial literacy, and assume responsibility for retire- Job. Janet Farley. Provides essential job search
ment planning. The book also reveals new civilian information on writing resumes and cover let-
job survival tips and strategies. 144 pages. November ters, finding jobs, and interviewing, while also
2017. $38.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for $369.00; focusing on issues specific to transitioning
service members. Offers seasoned advice on
100 copies for $3,395.00. how to address employers’ potential military stereotypes as
well as how to market military skills and accomplishments in
#9466 MISSION TRANSITION: Navigat- civilian terms. Includes useful worksheets, checklists, motiva-
ing the Opportunities and Obstacles to tional quotes, and an appendix. 64 pages. 2012. $8.95 per
Your Post-Military Career. Matthew J. Louis. booklet. SPECIALS: Package of 10 booklets for $64.95;
10 packages (100 booklets) for $629.50.
An essential career-change guide for any transi-
tioning veteran who wants to avoid false starts #4279 EXPERT RESUMES FOR MILITARY-TO-CI-
and make optimal career choices. Walks military VILIAN TRANSITIONS (2nd Edition). Wendy S.
personnel through the entire process of making a Enelow and Louise M. Kursmark. Two of America’s
successful move into the civilian work world. Dis- leading professional resume writers offer 180 pages
cusses ways to acclimate to a new organizational culture and pay it of sample resumes for transitioning servicemem-
forward to other veterans. Each chapter includes advice from other bers. Includes seasoned advice and cutting-edge
veterans, illustrations of key concepts, summaries, and suggested job search strategies for transitioning military
resources. 304 pages. 2019. $19.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for personnel. 288 pages. 2010. $22.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
$179.95; 100 copies for $1,599.00. $204.00; 100 copies for $1,899.00; 1,000 for $18,4795.00.
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