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NEW Military Spouse & Employment Guides!
The Military Spouse’s Employment
Pocket Guide: Job Strategies for Families
With Mobile Lifestyles (2nd Edition)
#9518 Welcome to the new military family! Today’s 642,000
military spouses are primarily women (92%), young (31.5 years of
age), and engaged in the labor force (66% employed). Over 13%
are active duty servicemembers (in dual-military marriages/fami-
lies). Nearly 40% have dependent children, and 12% are currently
unemployed and looking for work. Highly educated, talented, and
smart, 88% have some post-high school education, 33% possess
college degrees, and 15% hold postgraduate degrees.
Many military spouses are eager to find interesting jobs or pursue
portable careers -- either part-time or full-time – that contribute
to both their family income and personal growth. They also prefer
work that gives them flexibility to manage family affairs and con-
tribute to their community.
Above all, many military spouses wish to obtain meaningful em-
ployment. This means finding jobs that fit their Motivated Abilities
and Skills (MAS).
Jam-packed with essential job search information and The pocket guide also covers important information relating to:
tips, the second edition of this popular guide assists mil- n education and training n attitudes and goals
itary spouses in quickly finding and keeping a job. Com- n barriers to employment n federal jobs and employees
plete with quizzes, examples, and exercises, it helps them: n useful websites and blogs n employment assistance
n organize key job search information Designed as a personal reference and action companion, this
n specify transferable skills, references, and networks handy 3 7/8” x 4 7/8” guide easily fits into pockets and handbags.
n write winning resumes, letters, and applications Copyright 2019. 64 pages. ISBN 978-1-57023-402-6. $3.95.
n conduct job interviews and follow up effectively
n survive, thrive, and advance on the job
The Re-Entry Employment &
Life Skills Pocket Guide:
Make Smart Decisions for Redirecting
Your Life (4th Edition)
#7142 Wow! Today’s best kept re-entry secret. Designed for pur-
pose-driven individuals facing life-changing transitions. Success-
fully used by hundreds of workforce development programs,
correctional institutions, rehab facilities, and military transition
programs. Helps individuals make smart decisions in key re-en-
try areas, such as finding a job, and handling personal finances.
Filled with self-tests, advice, strategies, checklists, forms, and re-
sources. Includes three major sections: Job Search, Job Survival
and Success, and Life Skills. A special Action Planning section
focuses on finances, housing, transportation, health, wellness,
addiction, recovery, and anger management. Also, helps users
identify community-based services and develop a list of contacts.
Purposefully written as a nonlinear how-to guide, this user-friend-
ly 3 7/8” x 4 7/8” book conveniently fits into pockets and handbags.
Copyright © 2020. 64 pages. ISBN 978-1-57023-405-7. $3.95.
Quantity discounts on all $3.95 pocket guides
10 copies .........................................................................................$35.60 5.000 copies.......................................................................$10,850.00
50 copies ......................................................................................$158.00 10,000 copies ....................................................................$19,800.00
100 copies ...................................................................................$277.00 25,000 copies ....................................................................$44,500.00
500 copies ...............................................................................$1,285.00 50,000 copies ....................................................................$79,000.00
1,000 copies ...........................................................................$2,370.00 100,000 copies .................................................................$99,000.00
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