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Parenting Skills and Challenges

     The Responsible and Effective Parenting Kit:
     Becoming a Great Father and Mother
     #9304  Being an effective parent requires a great deal of knowledge, skills, and purposeful action relating to the
     different roles of father and mother. This unique collection of books and DVDs provides sound advice on how men
     and women can become responsible and effective parents. Can purchase separately. SPECIAL: $999.95 for all
     24 resources:
     BOOKS FOR PARENTS                           BOOKS FOR MOTHERS
        y Parenting From the Inside Out ($18.00)     y  5 Conversations You Must Have
        y  Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling    With Your Daughter ($18.99)
       and Start Connecting ($17.00)                 y 8 Great Dates for Moms and Daughters ($14.99)
        y  The Danish Way of Parenting: What the Happiest      y The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers ($17.00)
       People in the World Know About Raising Confident,      y 52 Things Kids Need From a Mom ($17.99)
       Capable Kids ($16.00)                         y  That’s My Son ($14.99)
     BOOKS FOR FATHERS                               y That’s My Teenage Son ($18.00)
        y 52 Things Kids Need From a Dad ($12.99)  DVDs FOR FATHERS AND MOTHERS
        y Becoming the Dad Your Daughter Needs ($16.95)    y Fathering: What It Means to Be a Dad ($99.95)
        y Better Dads, Stronger Sons ($15.99)        y Parenting 101 ($99.95)
        y Do Fathers Matter? ($19.00)                y Parenting Principles ($99.95)
        y Father to Daughter: Life Lessons on Raising a Girl ($9.95)    y Single Parenting ($149.95)
        y Father to Son: Life Lessons on Raising a Boy ($9.95)    y The Story of Fathers and Sons ($149.00)
        y How to Be a Good Divorced Dad ($19.95)     y The Story of Mothers and Daughters ($149.00)
        y Letters to My Son ($15.95)
        y Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters ($16.99)


     Building Strong Families    DVD         Active Parenting:
               #7159  Join  parenting  experts, Michelle   First Five Years Program Kit     DVD
               and David Neujahr, and their grown chil-  #9359 Covering 5 years of
               dren as they share their efforts to build   parenting (birth to age five)
               steadfast family ties that last a lifetime. They   and using evidence-based
               explain that taking time to think about who   tools, this newly revised par-
               you are as a family, what you believe, and   enting program is designed
               what’s most important will help your fam-  as a 4-session class where
               ily grow and stay strong for the long haul.   parents are able to learn
     Short video segments include: Vision, Define Your Family,   and laugh in a supportive
     Be Positive, Establish Rules, Spend Time Together, and Sup-  environment.  Three sessions fo-
     port One Another. 52 minutes. 2015. $169.95.   cus  on  Active  Parenting  skills  and
                 Fathering:                  one session is dedicated to school
                                             readiness/parent engagement. Also
                 What It Means to Be a Dad     DVD    covers temperament, mindfulness,
                 #7404 Being a father is a lifetime com-  brain developent, self-calming, and
                 mitment that requires a lot of love, time,   special needs. Plan on two hours for
                 and energy. Interviews with fathering   each session:
                 expert Steve Onell and young fathers     y Session I – You and Your Child
                 explain the impact and importance     y Session II – Preventing Problems
                 of a father in a child’s life. Divided into     y Session III – Encouraging Positive Behavior
     four chapters, this DVD offers sound advice to new dads:     y Session IV – Preparing for School Success
     Dads Matter...a Lot; Be There: Show Up and Be Involved; Be   The package includes 4 videos (or Flash Drive) plus down-
     Consistent: Provide Structure and Discipline; and Be a Role   loadable  discussion  guides  and  a  reproducible  Parent’s
     Model: Demonstrate Healthy Behavior. Includes teaching   Tip Sheet. © 2017. $379.00
     materials. 20 minutes. 2009. $99.95

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