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Life Without a Crutch:         Life Without a Crutch Training Program
              An Introduction to    BESTSELLER!  #1353 This popular 30-hour training program helps inmates
              Recovery From Addiction        overcome addiction. Brings addicts face-to-face with the reali-
                                             ties addiction and helps them take responsiblity. The program:
              #514 Widely used as a text book/workbook   prepares offenders for recovery from all forms of addiction; re-
              for addiction recovery training in correctional   duces denial, enhances motivation; and supports all types of
              facilities, this powerful little guide is designed   recovery. Includes an easy-to-use trainer’s
    specifically for addicts in the criminal justice system and their   manual with reproducible student exercises;
    loved ones. Describes what addiction is, its causes and effects,   and 15 copies of the workbook, Life With-
    how addiction works, rewards of overcoming addiction, how   out a Crutch.  $495.00.  SPECIALS: Work-
    addicts think, effects on the family, barriers to change, stages   book available separately for $7.95
    of treatment, ideas on how to begin recovery, getting started,   each, 10 copies for $74.50; 100 copies
    where to find help, and more. 69 pages. $7.95. SPECIALS:   for $716.00; 500 copies for $2,785.00;
    10 copies for $74.50; 100 copies for $716.00; 500 cop-  1,000 copies for $5,950.00; 5,000 cop-
    ies for $2,785.00; 1,000 copies for $5,950.00.  ies for $15,900.00.


     Getting Out of the Game:                Addictive Personality
     The Trap of Drug Dealing    DVD         #7013 Does addiction have a
     #4695 Money, power, respect, popu-      genetic factor? Can any type
     larity, and glamour all seem to come    of addiction be treated med-
     easy for the drug dealer. This program   ically?  What steps can family
     features a support group for people     members take to help a loved
     facing the temptation to return to      one struggling with addiction?
     dealing. The group grapples with re-    This program provides answers to several addiction-relat-
     al-life issues: relationships with old friends; financial stress;   ed questions. Features a patient with a serious gambling
     the illusion that they can deal without using; and the false   addiction, and a genetics-oriented discussion inspired by
     belief that this time they won’t get caught. Includes free   two sisters with addictive personalities  as well as com-
     Counselor’s Guide with  reproducible client  worksheets.   mentary by leading addiction experts. 25 minutes. 2007.
     35 minutes. $229.00                     $129.95 (DVD or Streaming Video).
     Time Bomb:                              Marijuana in the
     OxyContin Addiction     DVD             New Millennium
     #3908 Once touted as a miracle pill for   #9345 Dr. David Ohlms address-
     relieving chronic pain, OxyContin quickly   es why marijuana continues to
     became a time bomb. In 1998, Canadian   be  popular  among  both  teens
     sales were just a few million dollars; 12   and adults. Demonstrates that
     years later they had soared to $243 mil-  marijuana is not a harmless drug.
     lion, and U.S. sales were $3.5 billion. This film examines   Discusses many of the common
     why medical schools, GPs, and specialists in pain clinics   side effects, signs and symp-
     readily embraced the drug at first, and why some have   toms of drug use, and newly
     now changed their minds. The manufacturer has now   discovered psychological issues
     stopped making it altogether, replacing it with a new for-  that face marijuana users. 25 minutes. $349.00
     mulation known as OxyNeo. 43 minutes. 2012. $169.95.
     Ex-Offender Recovery and Re-Entry Success Guides
     Ned Rollo and Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D.
     #5938  Make sure your resource center includes these four cost-effective ex-offender recovery and re-entry guides
     written by two of America’s leading correctional educators. Widely used in correctional institutions and community
     re-entry programs as key books for changing lives. Can purchase separately; quantity discounts are available for each
     title. SPECIAL: $37.95 for all 4 books; $359.95 for 10 copies of
     each book (40); $3,395.00 for 100 copies of each book (400).
         y 99 Days and a Get Up ($9.95)
         y The Ex-Offender’s Job Interview Guide ($13.95)
         y Life Without a Crutch ($7.95)
         y Man, I Need a Job! ($7.95)


                 Addiction and Grace: Love and Spirituality in the Healing of Addictions
                 Gerald G. May, MD
                 #7163 This popular book offers an inspiring and hope-filled vision for those who want to explore
                 the mystery of who and what they really are. Examines the “processes of attachment” that lead to
                 addiction. Details various addictions, including alcohol, drugs, work, sex, performance, responsibil-
                 ity, and intimacy. Emphasizes the role “control” plays in the addiction process. A hopeful guide to
                 freedom based on contemplative spirituality. 240 pages. 2007. $15.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for
                 $149.00; 100 copies for $1,329.00.

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