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2 0 2 3   T H E M E :
                                              O V E R C O M I N G   L I F E ' S   C R I S I S
                                         T H R O U G H   T H E   P O W E R   O F   C H R I S T

                                           “ F o r   G o d   h a t h   n o t   g i v e n   u s   t h e   s p i r i t   o f   f e a r ;
                                          b u t   o f   p o w e r ,   a n d   o f   l o v e ,   a n d   o f   a   s o u n d   m i n d . ”
                                                          2   T i m o t h y   1 : 7

              Throughout  the  holy  writ  the  Lord  has  commanded  and  commissioned  those
              chosen by him to equip the saints with the necessary resources that strengthens
              his people and prepares them for their divine mission. The patriarchs insisted
              that  the  laws,  polities,  and  mannerisms  of  Jehovah  be  recited  and  recalled
              through the expression of holiness, litany and worship often in the gospels Jesus
              catechisms  his  disciples  and  constantly  prepares  them  for  their  future

              At  his  earthly  exodus  he  commands  the  apostles  and  disciples  to  teach  all
              nations making them disciples and teach them the things they observed with a
              covenant that he will be with them always even until the end of ages.

              I  am  so  delighted  to  welcome  you  to  the  Wisconsin  First  Jurisdiction  2023
              Annual Women's Conference. Get ready to explore and discover your passion,
              purpose and power at this dynamic conference of worshipers. From taking part
              in the daily prayer sessions and worship that will impact your life. Our founder
              Bishop  C.  H.  Mason,  inspired  by  the  Holy  Ghost,  is  celebrated  for  his  global
              outreach  reliance  upon  the  acts  of  the  Holy  Ghost  and  applauded  for  his
              prayerful  strategies  that  infused  a  southern  community  to  become  a  mighty
              fortress  in  the  kingdom.  As  descendants  of  this  great  heritage  we  are
              commissioned  to  embrace  biblical  instruction  and  our  Pentecostal  witness  to
              advance ministry initiatives throughout our consistent

                               This conference will afforded us to sharpen tools, understand our
                               calling and advance our mission. We applaud the leaders and staff
                               within  the  Women's  Department  for  their  dedication  and
                               commitment  to  ministry.  May  God  use  this  conference  to
                               strengthen us and move us forward in ministry.

                                                Always remember, There Is Nothing Too Hard For God!


                                               Bishop Sedgwick Daniels,
                                               Jurisdictional Prelate and General Board Member
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