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Evangelist Saundra L. Reed

           Evangelist  Reed  is  a  lifetime  member  of  the  Church  of  God  In  Christ.  She  is  originally  from  Benton
           Harbor, MI and has spent her life learning and growing from the teaching of extraordinary men and
           women  of  the  church.  She  established  Saundra  L.  Reed  Ministries  in  1999,  and  since  that  time  has
           given herself fully to her Family and Ministry. She is currently listed with the Int’l. Church of God In
           Christ  as:  Jurisdictional  Supervisor  of  New  York  Central  Ecclesiastical  Jurisdiction;  also  serving  the
           Int’l.  Department  of  Women  as:  Secretary  to  the  Education  Committee,  Altar  Ministry  Coordinator,
           and  Executive  Board  Member.  She  continues  her  work  as  Evangelist,  spreading  the  Gospel  of  Jesus
           Christ at every opportunity.

           Evangelist Reed married Pastor Kenneth W. Reed in 1980 and God blessed their union by gifting them
           with eldest son Marcus (married to the wonderful Heather and their two children), and youngest son
           K.  Daniel.  She  serves  closely  by  the  side  of  Pastor  Reed  at  the  Greater  Evangelical  C.O.G.I.C.
           (Syracuse) and the All Saints Home C.O.G.I.C. (Elmira), supporting him in the mission and vision that
           God has given him to move both churches forward. She has established many programs to meet the
           needs  of  these  churches,  namely:  Women  of  Purpose,  Walking  in  the  Spirit  of  Excellence;  Youth
           Enrichment  Night;  Aspiring  Missionary  Advisor  and  Trainer.  She  is  the  author  of  "Ethics  of  Youth
           Etiquette",  and  the  Administrator  of  Greater  Evangelical's  “Active  Young  Believers”  and  All  Saints
           Home “Sunshiners”.

           Evangelist  Reed  is  also  very  visible  in  the  community  and  has  received  numerous  certificates  and
           awards  of  recognition.  She  currently  serves  as  Founder  and  Chairlady  of  the  “Together  We  Can!”
           Education  Committee  to  promote  Family  Engagement  for  Youth  Academic  Enrichment.  This
           Committee encourages and supports 1st Ladies throughout the City of Syracuse in urging and aiding
           Parent  Involvement  and  Student  Success  within  their  local  church.  Evangelist  Reed  received  an  “I
           Made  A  Difference”  Award  from  the  Syracuse  City  School  District  and  continues  to  champion
           Academic  Achievement  in  our  Youth.  Through  “Together  We  Can”,  she  also  offers  a  Mentoring
           component for 1st Ladies that has reached far beyond her surrounding area.

           Evangelist Reed is fully dedicated to the ministry of winning souls. She is being sought not only in the
           Community  and  State,  but  reaching  far  into  other  regions;  frequently  called  to  run  revivals,
           speaking/training engagements and women's retreats. Through SLR Ministries, souls are being saved,
           healed, delivered and set free. This Ministry offers life changing miracles and hope to those that are
           without hope. Evangelist Reed’s dedication and diligence is seen not only in church, but is exuded in
           her everyday living.

           Let the Lord use you as you listen to this great woman of God. I declare that you are being set up for a
           miracle. Take hold to the Word and your life will never be the same.
                                                                                 Saundra L. Reed Ministries
           Submitted by:                                               Home:                          Office:
           District Missionary Rosa L. Walker (Armor Bearer)           Evangelist Saundra L. Reed     Greater Evangelical
                                                                                                      Church of God In Christ
                                                                       107 W. Newell St.
           (315)478-5455                        Syracuse, New York 13205       Pastor Kenneth W. Reed
                                                                       315/471-2334                   4325 S. Salina St.
                                                                  Syracuse, New York 13205
                                                                                                      315/469-1408 315/492-2871
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