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                                                                                                               Jurisdictional Prelate
                                                                                                              General Board Member
                                                                                                   JURISDICTIONAL HEADQUARTERS
                                                                                                    Holy Redeemer Institutional C.O.G.I.C.
                                                                                                          3500 W. Mother Daniels Way
                                   Mother Billie J. Thomas, Jurisdictional Supervisor                     Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53209

              Department of Women
              4165 N. Greenbay Avenue
              Milwaukee, Wisconsin  53209
              Ph: 414.265.2835 Fax: 414-374.0203
                 ( F o r   t h e   w e a p o n s   o f   o u r   w a r f a r e   a r e   n o t   c a r n a l ,   b u t   m i g h t y   t h r o u g h   G o d   t o   t h e   p u l l i n g   d o w n   o f
                 s t r o n g   h o l d s ; )   C a s t i n g   d o w n   i m a g i n a t i o n s ,   a n d   e v e r y   h i g h   t h i n g   t h a t   e x a l t e t h   i t s e l f   a g a i n s t   t h e
                    k n o w l e d g e   o f   G o d ,     a n d   b r i n g i n g   i n t o   c a p t i v i t y   e v e r y   t h o u g h t   t o   t h e   o b e d i e n c e   o f   C h r i s t ;

                                                                                              I I   C o r i n t h i a n s   1 0 : 4 - 5
                                       May 10th, 2023
              Supv Valerie Daniels Carter,
              Kenya Jurisdictional Asst. Supervisor

              ASSISTANTS TO THE SUPERVISOR   Peace be unto the 'Daughters of the Kingdom'.
              Mother Catherine Sykes, Emeritus
              Mother Annie McElroy
              Mother Betty D. Russell   As  we  gather  for  our  Annual  Women's  Convention,  let  us  unite  in
              Mother Deborah Tasker    giving  God  the  glory  for  the  foundation  that  has  been  laid  and  the
              Dr. Latoya Holiday       path opened to Holiness.

              Evangelist Kassandra Parham   As  women  of  the  Lord,  let  us  succeed  in  'Overcoming  Life's  Crisis
              Executive Secretary
                                       Through The Power Of Christ'. It is His will that we be instruments
              DISTRICT MISSIONARIES    of humility; that our mind, soul and body be channels that the Holy
              Evangelist Annie McElroy   Ghost  may  utilize  to  carry  out  His  purpose  and  perform  greater
              Evangelist Antoinette Bent   works. The Word of God confirms, "that (He) is able to do exceeding
              Evangelist Deborah Tasker   abundantly  above  all  that  we  ask  or  think,  according  to  the  power
              Evangelist Betty D. Russell
              Evangelist Ericka Joy Daniels   that worketh in us," Ephesian 3:20. Faithful women of God, in your
              Evangelist Jeraldine Bailey   pursuit,  always  trust  that  it  is  God  who  gives  the  victory  and  not
              Evangelist Jessie Palmer   we ourselves.
              Evangelist Lois Dawson
              Evangelist Mary Blake    In  this  day  of  catastrophic  events,  turbulence  and  uncertainty,  we
              Evangelist Sylvia Lumpkin
                                       must  pursue  our  God  given  assignment  with  urgency,  daily
              DEPARTMENT LEADERS       reaffirming  our  faith  and  embracing  the  principals  of  holiness.
              Evangelist Rosetta Forrest   Stand  fast  and  hold  the  traditions  that  we  have  been  taught.
              Sunday School Field Representative  Whether by word or the epistle, we are asking the Lord to establish

              Evangelist Kathy Harris   us  in  every  good  word  and  work.  "Ye  are  the  light  of  the  world,  a
              Minister of Music        city that is set on a hill".

              Evangelist Jacqueline Blevins
              Chairlady, Youth Department   When we return to our designated areas for kingdom building, it is
                                       my  prayer  that  all  who  attend  this  conference  will  receive  greater
              Evangelist Mae L. Lewis
              Elect Lady, Evangelism   wisdom,  increased  knowledge  and  invaluable  training  that  will
                                       equip  you  to  contribute  to  'Better  Homes,  Better  Schools,  Better
              Dr. Cheryl Parchia       Communities  and  a  Better  World',  which  is  the  focus  of  the
              Chairlady, Missions
                                       Women's Department. Reach out to those in your communities who
                                       feel that they are without hope and share the Hope of Jesus Christ.

                                       I pray that the Lord will endow us with His presence, that souls be
                                       saved,  that  bodies  are  healed  and  minds  are  delivered.  Let  it  all  be
                                       done in Jesus' name.


                                       Mother Billie J. Thomas
                                       Jurisdictional Supervisor, Department of Women
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