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Peace be unto you and may the favor of God be granted to you this day. Thank you for your
              support during our Jurisdictional Women’s Conference. This is a time for the saints to
              collectively join together and joyfully praise God in a spirt of expectation relative to what He
              has promised to every believer.

              Our  theme  “Overcoming  Life’s  Crisis  through  the  Power  of  Christ”  -  “  For  God  hath  not
              given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind” – 2 Timothy 1:7. As
              we  continually  strive  to  live  within  new  boundaries,  a  new  normal  with  new  purpose  to
              overcome all life’s crisis. We must keep God first and declare his omnipotence of his power,
              for we know,  power is in his hands and He will deliver us from any situation, because there
              is nothing too hard for Him. With His assurance it gives us the confidence to know that all
              things will be well.  Take a moment and pause to measure the barometer of your Kingdom
              power, because you and only you can dictate your level of strength and endurance.

              Using  our  wisdom  that  has  been  pass  down  from  generation  to  generation  to  navigate
              during these trying times to restore the families and the body of Christ, God has shown us
              that we can survive under difficult times. The key is keeping Him first. Remember you may
              be the only light that a non-believer witnesses therefore; we must operate intentionally in
              the love of Christ. Let’s continue to forge ahead as we look to Christ, the author and finisher
              of our faith.

              At the helm of this charge is our esteemed leader Bishop Sedgwick Daniel. We thank him for
              his  commitment  to  spiritual  excellence,  his  love,  guidance  and  continue  support  of  our
              endeavors. We celebrate a special birthday for Supervisor Billie Joe Thomas. I appreciate
              and very thankful for the Executive Leadership Team, Departments and Auxiliary officials,
              Committee Chairs and special volunteers. I would like to thank all participating churches for
              your  continued  support  of  the  Women’s  Department.  We  are  especially  grateful  for  the
              program participants and our invited speakers who represent excellence in ministry.

              Let us embrace and holdfast to that which we have received and see God for more. Again, I
              say thank you and I love and appreciate you all.

                                          Supervisor Valerie Daniels-Carter

                                          Executive Leadership Team Chairlady – Department of Women
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