Page 4 - _Holy Redeemer 35th Annual Women's Day Souvenir Journal_
P. 4

Our 2021 Theme as directed by our leader is “Revolution: Our Kingdom Narrative that Changes the
             World!” - Luke 18:28-30. What an amazingly power declarative word. As women of the Lord, we
             literally  have  a  message  that  can  transform  the  course  of  one’s  future.  We  possess  a  Word  that
             brings life and promise. God has empowered and equipped us to show-forth the dreams and visions
             that  were  engrafted  into  the  spirit  of  our  matriarchs.  We  stand  on  the  shoulders  of  mighty  and
             formulative matrons who taught us the way of Holiness and paved a solid foundation for women in
             ministry. Now, as Holy Women of God, we have a mandate and responsibility to continue to this
             legacy. We must clutch the mantle with enriched spiritual reinforcement and construct a continuum
             of the narrative that change our lives. Our strength and abilities are encapsulated in God, for in Him
             we live, move, and have our being. As we ascended to new horizons in the full strength of the Lord, I
             am asking each female member of Holy Redeemer and Holy Tabernacle Williams Temple Churches
             of God In Christ, whether young or old to embrace the vision and let us continue to build upon this
             most Holy Keystone.

             Over the past two years, we have navigated through some of the most challenging times known to
             recent  mankind.  But  always  remember,  God  is  omnipresent  and  omnipotent.  My  challenge  year
             upon year is that we identify ways to better our spiritual, familial, and professionally person. This
             year I want to also encourage us to unequivocally and with a keen eye “Recognize the Signs of the
             Time.” Time indeed winding up and we must be a prepared people ready for a soon coming King.

             Life can hit you from so many angles until emotionally you are drained and, the pressures of life can
             be frustrating and burdensome to carry. So often, amid our comfortable lifestyles, we forget who's
             really in charge, the One who has all power in His hands. God doesn't want us putting our trust in
             our income, persons, or our own abilities. He wants us to look to Him and trust Him for all things. I
             know that managing through this Pandemic is challenging for most. We get tired and it becomes
             easier to become discouraged, but this is not the time for apathy. This is the time for sprit-filled
             women to demonstrate leadership and work to make better our homes, churches, and communities.
             Be intentional and have vigor. Deploy a God driven agenda. The scripture is our dictional road map
             and it helps us to know, that in our times of distress; God Himself be our strength. So, with that in
             mind, we must not become weary in doing well, for we shall reap.

                         Those who accepted this challenge realizes that this is like running in an extraordinary
                         race  and  to  reach  the  finish  line  it  demands  high  level  wisdom,  spiritual  insight,
                         perseverance, talents, and skills. Women of God, we have been called for such a time as
                         this. God has empowered, equipped, and fortified us with all that we need to be blessed
                         and favored.

                         Please allow me to acknowledge and thank our Executive team as well as all the Women
                         of Holy Redeemer and Holy Tabernacle William’s Temple Churches of God in Christ for
                         your continued collaboration, support, and cooperation. To our Dr. Finney,  Evangelist
                                 Glenn,  and  our  Women  of  Honor,  we  thank  and  appreciate  you.  May  God
                                 continue to richly bless   and keep you is my prayer. I would like to personally
                                 thank  Bishop  Sedgwick  Daniels  our  leader  for  allowing  us  to  show  forth  the
                                 Glory of the Lord in our lives.

                                                   “You Have the Power To Win."
                                             Supervisor Valerie Daniels-Carter
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