Page 1 - 17 January 2025
P. 1

Umalusi is satisfied with the
                                                                                                                                       action taken to withdraw the
                                                                                                                                       registration  status  of  the
                                                                                                                                       school concerned,” it said.
                                                                                                                                       The  group  also  flagged
                                                                                                                                       s o m e   e x a m i n a t i o n
                                                                                                                                       407  NSC  cases  of  copying
                                                                                                                                       were reported in 2024.
                                                                                                                                       While  this  was  down  from
                                                                                                                                       over 900 in 2023, KwaZulu-
             By Zandile Khumalo      Grade 8 in 2020 at the height   The  national  education   • 138,000  wrote  the  NC(V)   While  signing  off  on  the   Natal and Mpumalanga are
                                     of the COVID-19 pandemic.  quality  assurance  body,   L2-L4 examinations,  matric  results  for  2024,   once again at the top of the
             The  Matric  class  of  2024
             has made history        During this time, there was a   Umalusi,  has  approved  the   • 49,421  wrote  the  N2-N3   Umalusi  did  note  several   list  with  195  and  74
                                     huge disruption to teaching   release  of  the  2024.  The   examinations, and  w o r r y i n g   t r e n d s   a n d    implicated  candidates,
             This comes as South Africa’s                     results are due to be released                   practices  that  emerged   respectively.
             national  pass  rate  for  the   and learning globally.  today (14 January 2025)  • 40,438  wrote  the  GETC:   during  the  latest  round  of
             2024 NSC results increased   This condition would also go                  ABET examinations.     testing.                There  has  also  been  an
             from  82.9%  in  2023  to   on to the next year as they   During a media briefing on   The  body  said  that,  having     increase  in  applications  for
             87.3%.                  progressed to Grade 9.   Monday  (13  January),  the   studied  all  the  evidence   This includes things like the   marking  concessions.
                                     Noting the odds this cohort   association’s  chairperson,                 “persistent phenomenon” of   Umalusi  received  marking
             Department  of  Basic                            Yunus  Ballim,  said  that  the   presented,  the  Executive   some  schools  disallowing   concessions  in  19  subjects
             Education  Minister  Siviwe   had  to  beat,  Gwarube  said   results  had  been  given  the   Committee  of  Umalusi   candidates from writing the   compared to 17 in 2023.
             Gwarube  says  this  is  the   they were resilient.  green  light  after  being   Council concluded that the   exams  in  an  attempt  to
             highest  matric  pass  rate  in   R e f l e c t i n g   o n   t h e    a d m i n i s t e r e d   b y   t h e    e x a m i n a t i o n s   w e r e    improve results.  A marking concession is an
             the history of the country.  performances  of  the   Department  of  Basic   administered  largely  in                    i n s t a n c e   w h e r e   a n
                                     provinces,  the  Free  State                     accordance  with  the    “This  is  unlawful,  and   assessment  body  makes  a
             Gwarube released the results                     E d u c a t i o n   a n d   t h e                Umalusi advises the affected
             on  Monday  evening  at  the   clings to the top spot with a   Independent  Examinations   Regulations Pertaining to the   learners  and  parents  or   request to Umalusi to have
             Mosaiek Church in Fairland,   91.0% pass rate    Board.                  Conduct,  Administration,   guardians  to  report  such   certain  questions  found  to
             Johannesburg.           In second place is KwaZulu                       and  Management  of  the   incidents  to  the  relevant   be  ‘problematic’  during  the
                                     Natal  with  a  pass  rate  of   A  total  of  1,060,852   National  Senior  Certificate          marking  process  to  be
             Hailing  this  significant   89.5%, marking an increase   candidates  participated  in   Examinations.  authorities,” it said.  excluded  either  entirely  or
             achievement,  the  minister   of  3.2%  from  2023  and   the  2024  end  of  year                There were also issues with   partly and upscaling the total
             said the results should be a   securing  the  third  spot  is   examinations.  Of  that   “There  were  no  systemic   unregistered  candidates,   marks  achieved  using
             moment of great pride and   Gauteng, which increased its   number, the NSC accounts   irregularities  reported  that   where  an  independent   conversion tables.
             celebration for all.                             for  832,993  candidates  or   might  have  compromised   s c h o o l   a l l o w e d   3 0
                                     pass  rate  from  85.4%  in                      the  overall  credibility  and                   “What is problematic about
             The  class  of  2024  entered   2023 to 88.4% in 2024.   78.5% distributed across the   integrity  of  the  November   candidates who did not pass
                                                              DBE, IEB and SACAI.                              Grade 11 to register for the   this practice is that it has the
                                                                                      2024  National  Senior                           likelihood  of  negatively
                                                              The  remaining  227,859  or   C e r t i f i c a t e   ( N S C )    Grade 12 examinations.  affecting  the  overall
                                                              21.5%  candidates  are   examinations  administered   “This  is  highly  irregular.   standard  of  the  question
                                                              distributed  across  three   by the Department of Basic   Whereas  this  is  only  one   papers  concerned,”  the
                                                              qualifications:         Education (DBE),” it said.  case,  it  is  one  too  many.   group said.

                                                              Heavy  rains  driven  by  a   rainfall  with  widespread   but  Kruger  Park  roads   By Sunday, Ossendryver said
                                                              tropical low-pressure system   showers  over  Limpopo  and   management teams moved   that the weather had started
                                                              over Botswana last weekend   Mpumalanga  during  the   promptly to ensure the safety   to taper off and that the river
                                                              c a u s e d   s i g n i f i c a n t    weekend and on Monday, 13   of visitors.  levels were dropping slightly,
                                                              disruptions  and  flooding  in   January 2025 in Kruger Park   SANParks said the rain had   but  that  there  were  still
                                                              the  Kruger  National  Park,   after  an  advisory  was  sent   also been heavy in the north   reports  of  closed  roads,
                                                              leading  to  the  closure  of   out  by  the  South  African   with the Luvuvhu River at its   bridges and camps.
                                                              some  camps  and  gravel   Weather Service (SAWS).  highest level this season.
                                                              roads  south  of  the  Olifants   Isaac  Phahla,  Kruger                 “A few years ago, there was a
                                                              River.                  National  Park  commu-   In terms of damage, Phahla   bridge completely destroyed
                                                              SANParks activated disaster   nications  and  marketing   s a i d ,   “ T h e   L o w e r   on  the  park’s  busiest  road,
                                                              management protocols and   manager, said that the rains   Sabie/Skukuza road is being   the H4-1, and that still hasn’t
                                                              teams  continue  to  monitor   appeared  normal  for  this   temporarily  repaired  after  it   been  fixed…  Now  on  that
                                                              conditions  in  the  wake  of   time  of  the  year,  but  other   partly  collapsed  to  enable   same  road,  in  a  different
                                                              flooding  in  the  Kruger   areas  had  received  more   visitors to move between the   spot, a new bridge has been
                                                              National Park this weekend.   than  the  10-year  average   two  rest  camps;  Talamati   destroyed  –  the  Alpha
                                                              This  comes  after  several   rainfall.          and Biyamiti bush camps are   Bridge,” Ossendryver said.
                                                              gravel  roads,  and  some   According  to  Phahla,  the   closed  as  a  precautionary   He  said  Kruger  Park  was
                                                              camps  were  closed.  Some   area  most  affected  by  the   measure.”
                                                              park  guests  were  moved   recent flooding was south of   W h e n   a s k e d   a b o u t    good  at  creating  detours
                                                              from  their  camps  as  a   the  Olifants  River.  Gravel   evacuations  and  safety   when  these  incidents
                                                              precautionary measure.   roads and low-lying bridges   incidents  involving  visitors   occurred  because  the  road
                                                                                                                                       that  was  heavily  impacted
                                                              SANParks  said  that  the   were  currently  being   due to the flooding, Phahla   was one of the busiest roads
                                                              flooding  was  largely   monitored by the SANParks   said  that  guests  from  the   between the busiest camps,
                                                              localised to the south of the   technical  team  and  others   Biyamiti  bush  camp  had   so it needed to be available.
                                                              Olifants River and that water   were  closed  periodically  to   been  moved  as  a  safety
                                                              flow  forecasts  suggested   avoid any disasters.   measure.             Phahla  told  Daily  Maverick
                                                              that  the  Sabie  and  Sand   In  a  statement  on  Monday,   He said proper assessments   that  “currently,  SANParks
                                                              Rivers  would  be  inundated   13  January,  SANParks   would  be  done  once  the   disaster  management  is
              Flooding in the Kruger National Park led to the closure of   with  heavy  flows  for  some   advised  that  some  main   w a t e r   h a d   s u b s i d e d .    coping,  but  will  call  for
             several roads and bridges. (Photo: Latest Sightings / Peter   time.      roads between Skukuza and   However,  all  gates  were   assistance  when  the  need
                                 Pienaar)                     This  followed  disruptive   Lower Sabie were damaged,   open.           arises.”
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