Page 6 - 17 January 2025
P. 6
Open Letter to the President legacy. History judges every- The way forward
of the Republic of S.A. one harshly — including Mr President, the time for
you. There is not much time empty promises is over. We
Continued from page 5
left for you to create a better do not ask for miracles; we
Constructive Proposals guilty parties face proper future for the youth of our a s k f o r a p p r o p r i a t e
Look inward and be honest consequences and establish country. As things stand leadership and accountable
now, future generations will
about what has not been a fundamentally sound state rather skip over the history governance. TLU SA and the
achieved over the past 30 system that serves the you are currently creating farmers of South Africa
remain committed to
years. The policies you are people of the country. because it will be remem-
pursuing are doomed to fail. The likelihood that you will bered as a time when a sink- building our country, but we
The legacy you are currently pay any attention to this ing ideology was pursued cannot do it alone.
creating is one of great letter is very small. The indecisively, to the detriment It must be made explicitly
sadness and poverty. The reality is that South Africa's of the country's citizens. clear to investors and entre-
Zimbabwe model serves as a citizens already demonstra- preneurs, without playing
stark example. There, the ted during the last election For more than 127 years, with words, whether the
Ons wens die volgende tagtigjariges van harte geluk Mugabe regime violated that they are beginning to TLU SA has chosen to build principle of private property
met hul verjaarsdae en wens hulle alles van die beste every international political think and realise that our and create for the future. It is rights will be unequivocally
vir die toekoms toe: rule. Here, you are doing country can no longer afford embedded in our character respected. If you persist in
exactly the same with one the ANC's policy direction. and DNA. When you choose pursuing the failing model of
We congratulate the following octogenarians on their to pursue the right policy Marxist socialism through
difference: it is being done The thinking of the ANC, its
birthdays and wish them everything of the best for the through legislation, and you allies, and institutions direction in the best interest statements and legislation,
future: boast about a so-called pursuing this illogical course of our country's future, you economic growth will remain
Hannah Buys, 88 op 15 Januarie 2025 democratic process that has indeed become too will find us there. However, if an unattainable dream in the
future. This inevitably has
Stan Terry (ex-Elliot), 90 on 26 January facilitates it. costly for South Africa's the choice remains to lead negative consequences for
our country to the ashes of
Lorraine van den Berg, 94 op 28 Januarie Realise that your two primary future, especially for the failure, you should know that the future of our country.
future of its youth.
Cecily Minnie, 83 on 29 January responsibilities as a govern- members of TLU SA will We invite you to engage with
ment must be fulfilled, Agriculture, arguably the us and other responsible
namely: ensuring safety and most relevant player for once again rebuild construc- stakeholders to discuss and
creating a climate conducive stability, continues to play its tively. Our footprint in the implement realistic solutions.
to private sector economic role despite a government development of South Africa South Africa's future depends
involvement. This requires that has been absent in runs much deeper than most on our collective efforts.
abandoning your failing poli- supporting agriculture for current politicians who have
cies of BEE and everything the past 30 years. On the no context for how to build a We pray for wisdom and
associated with them. Pur- contrary, over the past 30 future. courage on your part.
sue competent appoint- years, as a foreign ambassa- We believe South Africa can Yours faithfully,
ments and stop turning every- dor mentioned to us, the go- unlock its potential with tar- Henry Geldenhuys
thing into a racial exercise. vernment has proven itself to geted and practical changes. President of TLU SA
be agriculture's greatest
Take effective action against
the corruption that has enemy — something you
become endemic in our should be ashamed of.
country. Ensure that the Every person works on a
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