Page 5 - 17 January 2025
P. 5


                                                                                                                Van Junie 2024 het ons ‘n lang pad gestap, maar wanneer
                                                                                                                ‘n mens familie en vriende het soos elkeen van julle, maak
                                                                                                                dit die pad soveel korter. Ons wil vandag dankie sê vir almal
                                                                                                                se  gebede,  sms  en  whattsapp  boodskappe,  tele-
                                                                                                                foonoproepe, besoeke en omgee tydens Frans se operasie
                                                                                                                en pad met kanker. Ons Loof en Prys ons Hemelse Vader vir
                                                                                                                soveel  genade,  liefde  en  dat  ons  vandag  kan  juig  hy  is
                                                                                                                skoon. Dis nie almal wat kan sê, ek is skoon nie. Dis ‘n
                                                                                                                moeilike en hartseer pad en daarom bid ons vandag vir
                                                                                                                elkeen wat nog ‘n pad met kanker stap.
                                                                                                                Baie dankie kom uit ons harte uit.
                                                                                                                FRANS, ANNAMARE EN KINDERS

                                                                                                               quently, the elite who impose   dictable  and  ongoing  load
                                                                                                               it  on  the  people  unjustly   shedding  paralyses  eco-
                                                                                                               enrich themselves.      nomic  growth  and  agricul-
                                                                                                               South  Africa  is  in  a  dire   tural  production.  While  we
                                                                                                               situation.  We  experience   may  not  have  experienced
                                                                                                               daily  the  consequences  of   load  shedding  recently,  we
                                                                                                               mismanagement,  corrup-  are  frequently  subjected  to
                                                                                                               tion,  and  poor  policy  for-  load  reduction,  which  has
                                                                                                               mulation.  As  a  representa-  the  same  consequences.
                                                                                                               tive  of  thousands  of  com-  The  bureaucratic  obstacles
                                                                                                               mercial  farmers  across  the   preventing private initiatives
                                                                                                                                       from contributing effectively
                                                                                                               country,  TLU  SA  addresses
                                                                                                               this letter to you as a serious   to resolving this issue must
                                                                                      the centre, while the Biblical   call  to  action  and  accoun-  be removed.
                                                                                      framework places God at the   tability.          Crime:  Farm  attacks  and
                                                                                      centre.                                          general  insecurity  not  only
                                                                                                               T h e   p r o b l e m s   o u r
                                                                                      As  a  government  in  a   communities struggle with   threaten the lives of farmers
                                                                                      democracy,  you  have  two   are well known:     and  farmworkers  but  also
                                                                                      primary  responsibilities.   Policy  uncertainty  and   the country's food security.
                                                                                      Firstly, you must ensure the                     Economic  uncertainty:
                                                                                      safety  of  the  country's   incorrect policy: This is the   Certain  aspects  are  crucial
                                                                                      residents, and secondly, you   starting  point  and  foun-  for  achieving  economic
                                                                                                               dation  of  what  is  wrong  in
               Open Letter to the President of                                        must  create  a  climate  in   South  Africa.  Economic   growth.  The  market  force
                                                                                                                                       test  evaluates  any  business
                                                                                      which the private sector will
                  the Republic of South Africa                                        want  to  do  business.  For   indicators clearly show that   and the country. If a business
                                                                                                               our country has not perfor-
                                                                                                                                       fails  this  test,  it  will  go
                                                                                      more than thirty years, you
                                                                                      have failed miserably in both   med satisfactorily regarding   bankrupt. Similarly, interna-
                         - Mr Cyril Ramaphosa                                         these  responsibilities.  With   economic growth under the   tional  credit  agencies  eva-
                                                                                      approximately  80  murders   ANC's  policy  direction  over   luate a country. If it fails the
                TLU SA sent an open letter to President Cyril Ramaphosa on 8 January 2025.  per day, corruption running   recent  years.  The  greatest   test,  the  country  will  be
             Dear President,         where  the  state  wants  to   The  apparent  goal  you   rampant  and  being  ad-  discourse  is  possibly  cadre   downgraded  to  junk  status
                                                                                                               deployment,  accompanied
                                                                                                                                       —  something  we  have
             The  year  2025  lies  on  the   position  itself  as  the   pursue,  to  establish  a   dressed  very  softly,  and   by  corruption.  This  causes   a l r e a d y   s h a m e f u l l y
                                                                                      legislation that continuously
             horizon  for  every  person,   institution with sole authority   classless  society  where   creates  uncertainty  for   expertise to be replaced by   achieved.
             waiting  for  us,  also  for  our   over  people's  well-being   everyone is equal and the so-  investors, there can certainly   loyal supporters who do not   Infrastructure:  Taxpayers
             country.  We  as  Christians   must  be  clearly  contrasted   called economic injustice is       possess  the  responsibility   contribute  significantly  to
             know that it will require each   with the Biblical guideline of   abolished, is unrealistic. The   be  no  boast  of  a  safe  and   and  expertise  required  to   the  state,  which  should
             of us to exercise our cultural   private  property  rights  and   outcome will indeed be that   favourable  environment  in   successfully fulfil the neces-  maintain  and  improve
                                                                                      South Africa.
             mandate,  as  derived  from   free trade, which can create   everyone (except your elite in       sary  obligations.  In  every   infrastructure.  However,  all
             the Word of God, namely to   wealth where each of us, as   the  inner  circles)  will   If the responsibility to ensure   area  of  our  society,  many   sectors  of  the  economy
             inhabit  and  to  preserve,   stewards,  exercises  our   l a n g u i s h   i n   p o v e r t y.    the  safety  of  residents  had   examples can be cited, such   experience  poor  infra-
             according to the ordinances   cultural  mandate.  Your   Conversely, we as Christians   been fulfilled at all, the public   as  the  outcomes  of  our   structure,  which  hampers
             of  God.  This  requires  that   ideology,  with  its  focus  on   know that our primary task   would see the SAPS as their   learners'  Mathematical  and   economic processes.
             the  outcomes  of  our  daily   labour  as  the  most  urgent   on Earth is to glorify God and   friend. With a few individuals   Science abilities (or perhaps   Economic growth is crucial
             decision-making and way of   aspect  for  the  future,  is   live in relationship with Him.   in  the  SAPS,  this  is  indeed   inability),  their  lack  of   to address the rising socio-
             life  should  bear  the  fruit  to   currently  being  proven   This  involves  obedience  to   the case, and for that, there   comprehension  in  reading,   economic  challenges  and
             show  that  we  live  a  life  of   wrong  in  practice  at  a  very   His will and preparation for   is great gratitude. However,   and also the policy of expro-  other  issues  meaningfully.
             gratitude to the glory of God   rapid  pace.  Mechanisation   eternal  life.  It  also  means   crime  syndicates  and   priation  without  compen-  Social  grants  are  not  the
             Triune.  According  to  sta-  and  technology  are  already   that we clearly learn from the   criminals  have  positioned   sation  (EWC),  which  dis-  solution  to  unemployment.
             tistics, we are approximately   replacing  labour  as  a  pro-  Word  that  not  everyone  is   themselves in the SAPS, and   courages  investments  and   This practice will soon lead
             85%  Christians  in  South   duction factor at a high rate.  equal and has received the   corruption  within  those   undermines property owner-  to  unrest  and  further  in-
             Africa.  We  thus  rightly  ask   The  creation  of  wealth  is  a   same  talents.  According  to   ranks  runs  rampant.  This   ship rights. The latter is the   creases in crime. Every ac-
             the question: is this truly still   creative  process  driven  by   the  Word,  your  view  of   causes any law enforcement   most urgent aspect to create   tion, stance, and legislation
             the  measure  against  which   entrepreneurs  willing  to  do   equality is indeed an error.  officer in that uniform to be   wealth for those who accept   of a responsible government
             our  lives  are  tested?  As   business. Their success is of   The  Marxist  worldview   approached  with  uncer-  the responsibility required to   must first be tested against
             individuals,  but  also  as   utmost  importance  for  the   focuses  on  materialism,   tainty.  The  SAPS  must  be   engage in the economy.  one aspect: what will the im-
             institutions  and  govern-  state  to  generate  income   social  revolution,  and  a   cleansed,  properly  trained,     pact on economic growth be?
             ment,  we  must  know  that   through  taxes.  Mr  Rama-  human-centred  solution  to   and thoroughly equipped to   Corruption:  This  must  be
             this  is  ultimately  the  most   phosa,  in  all  honesty—the   the  world's  problems.  The   adequately  address  the   highlighted  as  one  of  the   Distortion of History: Over
             consequential  aspect  of   wealth that has been created   Biblical worldview is founded   threats.  They  must  re-  most  significant  cancers   time,  revolutionary  groups
             accountability that must be   over time is running out —   on  God's  sovereignty,   establish  a  pure  ethos  of   undermining  the  country's   have perpetuated lies about
             answered.               whether  due  to  a  lack  of   redemption  through  Christ,   service  delivery  in  the   future.  The  scale  of  self-  history.  Black  people,  like
                                                                                                               enrichment  through  tender
                                                                                                                                       white  people,  are  second-
             The  persistence  in  sup-  economic  growth  or  faulty   and  an  eternal  purpose  for   interest  of  the  country's   fraud  and  purchases  from   generation  residents  in
                                                                                      people before the SAPS can
             porting  a  Marxist  model   utilisation and corruption.  man. Marxism places man at                                      South  Africa.  After  1994,
                                                                                      and  will  play  a  meaningful   the  state  coffers  has  esca-
                                                                                      role. It is your responsibility   lated disproportionately. For   with the establishment of the
                                                                                      as  head  of  state  to  be   example, while vehicle tyres   current order, the agreement
                                                                                      accountable for this.    in the private sector can be   was  that  everyone  would
                                                                                                               purchased for approximately   supposedly be equal citizens
                                                                                      Globally,  the  countries
                                                                                      pursuing  a  system  where   R4,000, there are instances   of the country and treated as
                                                                                                                                       such.  False  accusations
                                                                                      private property rights and a   where  SAPS  stations   against  white  people  are
                                                                                      free market are pursued with   procure  the  same  tyres  for
                                                                                      m i n i m a l   g o v e r n m e n t    up  to  R18,000.  This   continually made, and you,
                                                                                                                                       as  President,  should  act
                                                                                      interference  have  consis-  corruption is rampant across   against  those  who  mali-
                                                                                      tently proven to provide the   all  levels.  Officials  in
                                                                                      best  opportunity  for  wealth   positions  of  authority  must   ciously threaten the agreed-
                                                                                                                                       upon existing order.
                                                                                      creation.  In  contrast,  a   ensure that everything under
                                                                                      Marxist-driven  centralised   their  control  functions   These  issues  no  longer
                                                                                      socialist model on a trajec-  transparently  and  correctly.   require  discussion  or  com-
                                                                                      tory  towards  communism   The question arises whether   mittees; they demand deci-
                                                                                      has, worldwide, only caused   they  are  not  part  of  this   sive  action,  but  the  correct
                                                                                      poverty  and  intense  sorrow   destructive cancer.  action.
                                                                                      for  the  population.  Conse-  Energy  crisis:  The  unpre-  Continued on page 6
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