Page 7 - 17 January 2025
P. 7

THE REPORTER 17 JANUARY 2025        · PAGE 7

             A  Century  of  Love  and                                                Ons innige simpatie aan die
             Memories . . .                                                           familie en vriende van Oom
                                                                                      Marx  van  Rooyen  wat  op  6
             Sunday,  2  January  2025
             marked  the  end  of  an  era  in                                        Januar 2025 oorlede is in die
             Barkly  East,  when  a  much                                             ouderdom van 93 jaar en 6
             loved  resident,  Mrs  Gene                                              maande.
             Green passed away at the age                                             Oom Marx was welbekend in
             of 103. Aunty Gene was born                                              die area en het 'n skerp sin vir
             on 20 June 1922.                                                         humor gehad.
             She  and  her  late  husband,                                            Hy het vir baie jare saam met
             Russell  Owen  Milton  Green                                             sy  oorlede  vrou,  Elise,
             (Tosh)    were  married  on  22                                          geboer  op  die  plaas
             June  1946  in  Aliwal  North.                                           Ongegund,  in  die  Clifford
             They  resided  on  the  farm,                                            area  van  Barkly-Oos.  Hulle
             Clearwater in Barkly East. Four                                          was  na  hul  aftrede  by  die
             children were born out of the                                            Barkly-Oos  Dienssentrum
             marriage, Owen, Sheila, Eline                                            woonagtig.
             (Emmeline) and Beryl.                                                    Uit die huwelik is vier kinders
             Aunty  Gene  was  our  oldest                                            gebore,  Suzette,  Frans,
             living  subscriber  and  would                                           Marlise en Susan.
             often  contact  us  with                                                 Die  begrafnis  was  op
             encouraging  words  or                                                   Saterdag 11 Januarie vanuit
             snippets of news. We knew her                                            die  NG  Kerk,    Barkly-Oos
             as a very generous person and                                            gehou en was waargeneem
             a  beautiful  lady.  She  had  the                                       deur Ds Adriaan Bester.
             very  sweet  habit  of  always
             giving  The  Reporter  staff  an                                         Ons innige simpatie aan sy
             end of the year “gift”, whether                                          kinders, kleinkinders,  agter-
             in the form of eats or money                                             kleinkinders,  familie  en
             for a spoil.                                                             vriende  met  hul  hartseer
                                            20.6.1922 - 02.01.2025                    verlies.                      06.07.1931 - 06.01.2025
             Our  sincere  sympathy  to  her
             children, their families and her
             many friends.
                                                                 “When my heart is overwhelmed
                                                                 “When my heart is overwhelmed
                                                                               lead me to
                                                                               lead me to
                                                                          the Rock
                                                                          the Rock

                                                                         THAT IS HIGHER
                                                                         THAT IS HIGHER
                                                                               THAN 1.”
                                                                               THAN 1.”
                                                                                      Psalm 61:2
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