Page 3 - 17 January 2025
P. 3
we were fortunate enough to
have some very nice
The Lanner Falcons were on
form at the water holes and
the poor doves, Red-headed
Finches and other little birds
had an extremely tough
time. Sitting at waterholes
was always exciting,
watching the interaction
between animals and birds,
coming and leaving - all
accept the Lanner Falcon
(Edelvalk), that moved in and
This year Kev and I spent our stayed for the day,
holiday in the Kgalagadi At the Polentswa water hole,
Transfrontier Park. This was we counted 20 Lanners at
only our third visit to this one time, the poor little birds Kalahari Scrub-Robin (Kalahariwipstert) Black-chested Prinia (Swartbandlangstertjie)
e x t r a o r d i n a r y p l a c e . did not get much chance to
Although all three visits have drink water in the heat.
been in December, this was At the Polentswa Campsite,
by far the driest we have ever we met the resident pair of
seen the park. It was also Kalahari Scrub Robins
extremely hot, the entire (Kalahariwipstert). They
South Africa experienced a were very friendly, the one
heat wave during December little Robin would talk back
and the temperatures soared when you spoke to it. I fell in
in the KTP. love with this little guy. He
Despite all this, we had a came around early in the
wonderful time. We tried morning to say good
“wild-camping” in Botswana morning. When we arrived
for the first time. We spent back from our morning
three nights at Rooiputs and drive, he would hop up to us
three nights at Polentswa, to chat.
the rest of the holiday was In the evening, he did his
spent camping in the 3 main rounds again and came to sit Stark's Lark (Woestynlewerik) Northern Black Korhaan (Witvlerkkorhaan)
camps in relative luxury. under the a-frame with us
The peace and quiet (that is, and started a conversation. I
other than all the animal and was tempted to pack him in
bird sounds - lion’s roaring, my pocket when we left, but I
barking geckos, jackals think our resident Cape
calling and the screech of at Robin-chat at home, may
least one Barn Owl) was have been very upset about
wonderful. The camp sites at the newcomer.
the wild camps are few, six at Pale-Chanting Goshawks
one camp and 3 at the other ( B l e e k s i n g v a l k ) a r e
and this meant that in the common, but we were lucky
evenings and early mornings enough to see a few Gabar
you were almost alone.
G o s h a w k s ( W i t k r u i s -
Now for the birds. Common sperwer). We had a good
birds included Fawn- giggle at a juvenile that flew
coloured Lark (Vaalbruin- down from its perch to catch
lewerik, Sociable Weaver itself a meal. The meal was
(Versamelvoël), Chat Fly- extremely large ants, and a
catchers (Grootvlieë- lot of them. He landed right
vanger), Fork-tailed Drongos in front of them and they Chat Flycatcher (Grootvlieëvanger) Marico Flycatcher (Maricovlieëvanger)
(Mikstertbyvanger), Scaly- kept marching on, right onto
feathered Finch (Baard- his feet. He jumped and
mannetjie), Pale Chanting shook his feet, not enjoying
Goshawk (Bleeksingvalk) the feeling. The ants again
and Lark-like Bunting (Vaal- marched onto his feet. Again
streepkoppie). Although he jumped and shook his
common in the KTP, these feet. He eventually got
are birds we do not often himself into a position where
encounter. he could actually catch and
Seeing the BirdLife South eat a few of them.
Africa 2024 bird of the Year, More of the Kgalagadi next
the Bateleur, was a treat and time!
Fawn-coloured Lark
(Vaalbruinlewerik) Bateleur (Berghaan)
Swallow-tailed Bee-eater (Swaelstertbyvreter)
Gabar Goshawk (Witkruissperwer) juvenile that did not like
A male Ostrich (Volstruis) taking a dust bath ants walking on his feet. Gabar Goshawk (Witkruissperwer)