Page 8 - Newsletter SEPTEMBER 23
P. 8


        XCarb Steel Usage...

        Our     50     Fenchurch       Street     project
        purchased  XCarb steel,  supplied  by
        ArcellorMittal.  This  product  is  a  low-
        carbon  steel  that  focuses  on  Carbon
        reduction  within  the  production  of  the
        steel itself.

        The Fenchurch Street project purchased
        10 tonnes of this product with a carbon
        cost  of  5.32  Co2e(T).  This  saves 10.18
        tonnes of  Co2  compared  to  traditional
        engineering steel production!

                                                               HVO Fuel at Cundy Street...
                                                               John  F  Hunt  has  used  HVO  fuel  at  our
                                                               Cundy  Street  project  in  line  with  our
                                                               client’s  own  carbon  reduction  goals.
                                                               Throughout  the  project,  4,200  litres  of
                                                               HVO fuel were purchased and used on
                                                               plant  conducting  the  demolition  of  4
                                                               tower blocks.

                                                               Through using HVO fuels on the projects,
                                                               John F Hunt has managed to save 11.44
                                                               tonnes of Co2(e) that would have been
                                                               emitted using traditional fuels.

        Raised Access Flooring and

        Carpet Tile Reuse!
        Through  early  engagement  with  reuse
        partners,  we  have  successfully  reused
        carpet  tiles  and  raised  access  flooring
        on several projects. If in good condition
        the  tiles  can  be  sold  for  reuse  in  new
        office areas.

        Raised  access  flooring  is  a  product              Partnering  with  Raised  Access  Flooring
        that  was  once  added  to  mixed  metal              Supplies,  we  have  provided  the  reuse
        recycling,  but  due  to  its  ability  to  be        market with over 56,000 RAF tiles. At our
        dismantled  easily,  it  is  now  segregated          1 Exchange Square project,  we  have
        and  stored  for  future  reuse  on  new              reused 53841 tiles, saving 590 tonnes of
        developments  or  through  external                   steel  that  would  otherwise  have  to  be
        partners.                                             manufactured.

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