Page 112 - Organizational Project Management
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Appendix F—Best Practices Directory

                                    BP ID  Title      Description
                                                                                      Project   Program   Portfolio   Standardize   Measure   Control   Improve

                                    2160 Review Projects   The organisation has gateways where
                                         against  "Continue  deliverables are assessed and the projects are
                                                                                     X            X
                                         or Terminate"   allowed to continue or need to be stopped.
                                    2170  Prioritize Projects   A project prioritization process is used to directly   X  X
                                                      link projects to the organization's goals.
                                    2180 Link Performance   The organization assesses team and individual
                                         Measurement to   performance and makes awards according to
                                         Project Cycles   project structures, achievements and timescales   X  X
                                                      which do not necessarily align with calendar
                                    2190 Benchmark Project  The organization identifies external standards
                                         Performance   against which they measure project   X     X
                                         Against Industry   performance.
                                    2200 Establish Risk   The organization utilizes Risk Management
                                         Management   Techniques to take  measurements and assess   X  X
                                                      the impact of risk during project execution
                                    2210 Measure      The organization has a standard approach,
                                         Consistently   valuation, format, and meaning for project   X  X
                                    2220  Measure Accuracy  Project teams extract and test the accuracy of   X  X
                                                      all metrics using internal and external methods.
                                    2230  Analyze and Track   The analysis and tracking of past investments
                                         Return on    demonstrates a beneficial return.  X        X
                                    2240 Project Initiation    Project Initiation  Process controls are
                                         Process Control   established and executed to control the stability   X  X
                                                      of the process.
                                    2250 Project Plan   Project Plan Development Process controls are
                                         Development   established and executed to control the stability   X  X
                                         Process Control   of the process.
                                    2260 Project Scope   Project Scope Planning Process controls are
                                         Planning Process   established and executed to control the stability   X  X
                                         Control      of the process.
                                    2270 Project Scope   Project Scope Definition Process controls are
                                         Definition Process  established and executed to control the stability   X  X
                                         Control      of the process.
                                    2280 Project Activity   Project Activity Definition Process controls are
                                         Definition Process  established and executed to control the stability   X  X
                                         Control      of the process.
                                    2290 Project Activity   Project Activity Sequencing Process controls are
                                         Sequencing   established and executed to control the stability   X  X
                                         Process Control   of the process.
                                    2300 Project Activity   Project Activity Duration Estimating Process
                                         Duration     controls are established and executed to control   X  X
                                         Estimating Process  the stability of the process.
                                    2310 Project Schedule   Project Schedule development Process controls
                                         development   are established and executed to control the   X  X
                                         Process Control   stability of the process.
                                    2320 Project Resource   Project Resource Planning Process controls are
                                         Planning Process   established and executed to control the stability   X  X
                                         Control      of the process.
                                    2330 Project Cost   Project Cost Estimating Process controls are
                                         Estimating Process  established and executed to control the stability   X  X
                                         Control      of the process.
                                    2340 Project Cost   Project Cost Budgeting Process controls are
                                         Budgeting Process  established and executed to control the stability   X  X
                                         Control      of the process.
                                    2350 Project Risk   Project Risk Management Planning Process
                                         Management   controls are established and executed to control
                                         Planning Process   the stability of the process.   X         X

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