Page 109 - Organizational Project Management
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Appendix F—Best Practices Directory

                  BP ID  Title      Description
                                                                    Project   Program   Portfolio   Standardize   Measure   Control   Improve

                  1590 Record Project   The organization has a formal process for
                       Resource     assigning resources to projects and recording   X  X
                       Assignments   assignments.
                  1600  Agree on Core   The organization selects a core set of Project
                       Project      Management techniques to which it adapts and
                       Management   evolves over time. The Organization also permits   X  X
                       Techniques   these techniques to be tailored based upon the
                                    specific needs of the project.
                  1610 Assess Project   The organization evaluates impact of risks on   X  X
                       Risks        project viability.
                  1620 Quantify     The organization develops quantifiable
                                                                   X         X
                       Specifications   specifications.
                  1630 Establish    The organization establishes and uses
                       Mathematical   mathematical models for planning and   X  X
                       Models For   replanning
                  1640 Optimize Portfolio   The organization's portfolio is reviewed on a
                       Management   regular basis to ensure optimization against the   X  X
                                    strategic goals.
                  1650  Align Projects   The organization aligns all projects with   X  X
                                    organizational strategies.
                  1660 Understand Project  Project Managers understand the strategy for
                       Strategic    their projects and how their project strategies   X  X
                       Alignment    support the organization’s strategies.
                  1670 Know Inter-Project  Project Managers know the goals and plans of
                       Plan         all projects related to their own projects. This
                                    allows them to explore alternative ways to avoid   X  X
                                    conflicts while still satisfying goals.
                  1680  Adhere to Inter-  Project managers adhere to appropriate rules of
                       Project Rules of   conduct including definitions of privilege and
                       Conduct      responsibility for communication and action. The  X  X
                                    rules define the standard processes for
                                    collaboration and communication.
                  1690 Estimate Project   The project managers estimate the best, worst,
                                                                   X         X
                       Task Duration   and most likely durations for project tasks.
                  1700 Project Initiation    Project Initiation  Process measures are
                       Process      established, assembled and analyzed.    X            X
                  1710 Project Plan   Project Plan Development Process measures are
                       Development   established, assembled and analyzed.
                                                                   X            X
                  1720 Project Scope   Project Scope Planning Process measures are
                       Planning Process   established, assembled and analyzed.    X            X
                  1730 Project Scope   Project Scope Definition Process measures are
                       Definition Process  established, assembled and analyzed.    X            X
                  1740 Project Activity   Project Activity Definition Process measures are
                       Definition Process  established, assembled and analyzed.    X            X
                  1750 Project Activity   Project Activity Sequencing Process measures
                       Sequencing   are established, assembled and analyzed.
                       Process                                     X            X
                  1760 Project Activity   Project Activity Duration Estimating Process
                       Duration     measures are established, assembled and
                       Estimating Process  analyzed.               X            X
                  1770 Project Schedule   Project Schedule development Process
                       development   measures are established, assembled and
                       Process      analyzed.                      X            X
                  1780 Project Resource   Project Resource Planning Process measures
                       Planning Process   are established, assembled and analyzed.    X            X

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