Page 192 - Organizational Project Management
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                Beta test organizations, 72                    Directories, OPM3, 31-34
                Beta testing of OPM3, 60                          Best Practices Directory, 32
                                                                     sample page of, 33
                                                                  Capabilities Directory, 32
                C                                                    sample page of, 34
                                                                  explanation of, 31-32
                Capabilities, 15
                                                                  Improvement Planning Directory, 32
                   best practices and, 14
                                                                     sample page of, 34
                   defined, 171
                                                                  introduction, 31
                   dependencies among, 16-18
                                                                  sample directory pages, 33
                   outcomes, KPIS, 56
                                                               Domain, 19
                   series of, 17
                                                                  defined, 19, 172
                Capabilities Directory, 32, 38, 45, 87, 123, 171
                   sample page of, 34
                Categorization, 19                             E
                   defined, 171
                                                               Examples, 42-46
                Commitment, required to launch OPM3, xvi
                                                                  implementation of improvement, 46
                Comprehensive assessment
                                                                  improvement, plan for, 46
                   detailed sub-steps, 87-88
                                                                  performing assessment, 42-46
                   sub-steps, detailed, 87-88
                                                                  preparing for assessment, 42
                Construction of process models, 128-129
                                                               Existing models, discovery phase, examination of, 53-55
                Continuum, of organizational project management maturity, 6
                Contributors to OPM3, 63-73
                Cost, improvements, planning for, 40           F
                Customer requirements, 56-57                   Focus, 37-38
                Cycle, OPM3, 35-47                             Former program management, 64
                   assessment                                  Foundational concepts, 3-6
                     comprehensive, 38-39
                     performance of, 37-39
                     preparation for, 36-37                    G
                   diagram of, 35
                                                               Guidance team, OPM3, 63-64
                   hypothetical example, 42-46
                     implementation of improvement, 46
                     improvement, plan for, 46
                     performing assessment, 42-46              H
                     preparing for assessment, 42              Hypothetical example, 42-46
                   identifier numbering, 42                       implementation of improvement, 46
                   improvements                                   improvement, plan for, 46
                     implementation of, 40-41                     performing assessment, 42-46
                     planning for                                 preparing for assessment, 42
                      attainability, 40
                      benefit, 40
                      cost, 40                                 I
                      strategic priority, 40                   Identifier numbering, 42
                   maturity of organization
                                                               Implementation of improvements, 40-41
                     diagram, 43
                                                               Improvement Planning Directory, 17, 32, 38, 39, 40, 45, 46,
                     by domain, process improvement stage, bar chart repre-
                                                                  87, 88, 125, 172
                        sentation, 44
                                                                  sample page of, 34
                     process improvement stage, diagram, 44
                                                               Improvements, 9-10
                   repeating process, 41-42
                   steps of, 36-46                                implementation of, 10, 40-41
                                                                  planning for, 9-10, 39-40
                                                                     attainability, 40
                D                                                    benefit, 40
                                                                     cost, 40
                Dependencies, 18
                                                                     strategic priority, 40
                   defined, 172
                                                               Input, defined, 172
                Dependency relationship, defined, 172
                                                               Interdependencies, defined, 172
                Development challenges, 55
                                                               Internal project management communities, 17
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