Page 2 - The Scoop October 2019
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DRIVES is the acronym for Driver Record and Integrated Vehicle Enterprise System
Joint two-phase modernization project between the Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR)
and Department of Driver Services (DDS). This project replaces the DDS Licensing System
used since the 1990s! The DRIVES project has two phases:
o Phase One took place at DOR and went live in May 2019. This replaced DOR’s Georgia
Registration and Titling Information System (GRATIS)
o Phase Two has begun and will go live on January 18, 2021. The DDS portion will
replace the system we now use to process licenses, sometimes called “GO Screen,”
“GO Main,” “Green Screens,” or the Mainframe.
The project was awarded to FAST Enterprises‘ DS/VS product. FAST holds the contract with
13 other states and has a 100% on-time on-budget success rate. Other states have been very
complementary on the quality of the product and FAST’s ability to work with the state.
Modernization is the periodic refresh of the computer systems that our Issuance
workstations communicate with.
Some of the “GO Main” functionality which will be updated will include:
o Driver license/permit eligibility rules from the 10 Screen (AVM)
o Applicant history currently found in the 60 Screen
o MVR reports
o Electronic citation processing from courts (GECPS)
o The suspension rules that determine how a withdrawal impacts the customer
o All the reinstatement rules found in the 400 Screen
Document scanning will be seamlessly inserted into the issuance process.
Other enhancements include: State to State,TUeS aPamsspoDrtDVeSrifriceatcioenn(UtSlPyV) & FMCSA
received an overview of the
Medical Registry e-services offered by Fast
Enterprises. At the photo at
the left, Eric Ling, e-services
Team Lead, provided an
interesting look at how
DDS online services can be
*Current FAST DMV Customers in Red on Map