Page 4 - The Scoop October 2019
P. 4


                SCCP Events

    S C C Ptate haritable ontribution rogram Begins

It’s that time of the year when we kick off the State Charitable
Contribution Campaign (SCCP). It is a fun time with many events
being enjoyable for both the DDS Team and many customers.

Our cover photo is of the Canton Customer Service Center pumpkin
decorating contest last year where the customers did the voting! If
you are new to DDS, you will learn quickly that we work hard, but we
also play hard.

DDS has been a leader with charitable contributions for a number of
years. We know DDS Cares, and this campaign allows many charities
and nonprofits to do more great work thanks to your generosity.

The SCCP is administered by the Department of Administrative
Services – Human Resources Administration (DOAS-HRA). Each
independent charity or federation of charities has been certified by
the program to meet the criteria for participation.

It is easy to complete an online pledge for either payroll deduction
or to make a one-time donation using a credit card. The campaign
link,, shows how to
donate and search the charities to see how each dollar can make a

 Click the link below to hear a special message from the Comissioner!

          Commissioner Moore SCCP 2019 Kickoff Video

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