Page 76 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 76
• - TABLE A . . Compartment • Their name. .
• Name and address of the carrier they work for
To People
• Phone number where they can be reached.
Or Cargo
• Date, time, and location of incident.
None 0 0 0 0 0 Partitions • The extent of injuries, if any.
• Oassification, name, and quantity of hazard
0.1 To 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 1 ous materials involved, if such information
is available.
1.1 To 5.0 3 4 6 8 11 2 • Type of incident and nature of hazardous ma
5.1 To 10.0 4 6 9 11 15 3 terials involvement and whether a continuing
10.1 To 20.0 5 8 12 16 22 4 danger to life exists at the scene.
If a reportable quantity of hazardous sub
20.1 To 30.0 7 10 15 20 29 5 stance was involved, the caller should give the
30.1 To40.0 8 11 17 22 33 6 name of the shipper and the quantity of the
40.1 To 50.0 9 12 19 24 36 hazardous substance discharged.
Be prepared to give your employer the required
Figure 9.10 information as well. Carriers must make detailed
written reports within 30 days of an incident.
(800) 424-9300
HAZARD CLASS DEFINITIONS The Chemical Transportation Emergency
TABLEB Center (CHEMTREC) in Washington also has a
■%MW Class Name Example 24-hour toll-free line. CHEMTREC was created
to provide emergency personnel with technical
1 Explosives Ammunition, Dynamite, Fireworks information about the physical properties of
2 Gases Propane, Oxygen, Helium hazardous materials. The National Response
Center and CHEMTREC are in close commu
3 Flammable Gasoline Fuel, Acetone nication. If you call either one, they will tell
the other about the problem when appropriate.
4 Flammable Solids Matches, Fuses Do not leave radioactive yellow - II or yellow
Ammonium Nitrate, Hydrogen - III labeled packages near people, animals, or
5 Oxidizers Peroxide film longer than shown in Figure 9.10
6 Poisons Pesticides, Arsenic Classes of Hazardous Materials. Hazard
7 Radioactive Uranium, Plutonium ous materials are categorized into nine major
hazard classes and additional categories for
8 Corrosives Hydrochloric Acid, Battery Acid consumer commodities and combustible liq
uids. The classes of hazardous materials are
9 Miscellaneous Hazardous Materials Formaldehyde, Asbestos listed in Figure 9.11
None Hair Spray or Charcoal
(Other Regulated Material-Domestic) 9.8 - Hazardous Materials
None Combustible Liquids Fuel Oils, Lighter Fluid Glossary
Figure 9.11 This glossary presents definitions of certain
terms used in this section. A complete glossary of
terms can be found in the federal Hazardous Ma
terials Rules (49 CFR 171.8). You should have an
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE up-to-date copy of these rules for your reference.
NOTE: You will not be tested on this glossary.
Subsections 9.4 Sec. 171.8 Definitions and abbreviations.
• If your placarded trailer has dual tires, • You're hauling 100 pounds of Division 4.3 Bulk packaging-Packaging, other than v es
how often should you check the tires? (dangerous when wet) materials. Do you sel, or a barge, including a transport vehicle or
• What is a safe haven? need to stop before a railroad-highway freight container, in which hazardous materi
als are loaded with no intermediate form of
• How close to the traveled part of the containment and which has:
roadway can you park with Division 1.2 or • At a rest area you discover your 1. A maximum capacity greater than 450 L (119
hazardous materials shipments slowly
1.3 materials? leaking from the vehicle. There is no gallons) as a receptacle for a liquid;
• How close can you park to a bridge, phone around. What should you do? 2. A maximum net mass greater than 400 kg
tunnel, or building with the same load? • What is the Emergency Response Guide (882 pounds) or a maximum capacity greater
• What type of fire extinguisher must (ERG)? than 450 L (119 gallons) as a receptacle for a
placarded vehicles carry? solid; or
These questions may be on your test. If you can't answer them all, re-read subsections 3. A water capacity greater than 454 kg (1000
9.6and 9.7. pounds) as a receptacle for a gas as defined
in Sec. 173.115.