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our trees

     Coral Tree, Mophethe, Erythrina lysistemon,
     The Coral tree is a lovely, medium-sized, deciduous tree with brilliant red flowers, usually
     the first one to flower in late winter or early spring. If you’re looking for a flowering tree
     to make a statement, this one is for you! It attracts many birds and insects to the garden,
     providing nectar at a crucial time of year where food sources are scarce. It is also known
     as the “lucky bean tree” for its string of seed pods that contain bright red and black seeds.
     This tree is considered hardy, but is not very frost tolerant. It tolerates high levels of
     pollution and root disturbance, but it does like to be watered well in this country. It’s roots
     are also fairly aggressive, and so should be planted away from walls and paving.
     The bark is smooth and greyish with hooked prickles scattered on the trunk and branches.
     The leaves consist of three leaflets and are a lovely dark-lime green colour. The Coral tree
     produces its flowers before its new leaves or just as the leaves begin to show, and is an
     indicator that crops can start to be planted. Medicinally, crushed leaves have been placed
     on a maggot-infested wounds to clear the maggots. The bark is applied as a poultice and
     is used to treat sores, and arthritis. The seeds of the Coral tree are known to be toxic
     and decorative, and are commonly made into necklaces. The Coral tree grows well from
     cuttings and can be used to make a living fence, it is also a nitrogen fixing plant, and the
     leaves provide a rich mulch.                               Text & Photos: by S C

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