Page 4 - Internal newsletter south region 8th issue 2021
P. 4
Sales successes –fiscal year 2021
Message from Jean-claude Roger
Dear Colleagues,
It has been almost 1 year that we do not meet and we face this strange situation because of the Covid 19 with its regulations that
change every month. Lot of strategies / actions have been put in place in our countries of south region to manage this unexpected
situations and, I have to say, we have been very successful because of you. The 2020 year has been a great year, financially
speaking, and 2021 is going really in the right direction to achieve our goal. As you can see on the graph below, we’re on track
after 6 months ( March ) compared to Budget and above last year. This is a real great achievement and you are the ones who
did it so congratulations to all of you .
Said that, you can see that the yellow line will be a huge challenge for us for the next 6 months. Your Business leaders are confident
to reach that goal and I trust all of you that we will achieve it. Please be sure that we have the right opportunities and sales funnel in
place to reach our annual goal. I’m really confident that we can deliver, as South Region team, our huge contribution to the Sakura
business because of our business potential, our business knowledge, our business management and , the most important, our people
to manage this business. Be sure I’m convinced that we have the right skilled people in the right place within our organisation to
achieve this 20 M€ revenue goal this year.
….and I’ll conclude with this statement :” Do not wait for the problem to find a solution” please I expect from you to be proactive
and source of ideas for our future success!
Total number of installation in the whole Southern Region:
1 5
Prisma 26
TT Film 25 14