Page 185 - FVCCC testimony large font
P. 185
filthy foam on the water, surfaces on top
of God’s forgiveness, ruining the joy and
peace obtained from salvation.
Therefore, I asked God repeatedly to
forgive my bitterness. Teaching the
students on that topic reminded myself
to be forgiving on their immaturity, in
the same time, my own immaturity and
weakness in the past, present, and future.
Abraham Lincoln once said that a man
older than 40 years old ought be
responsible for the appearance of his
face. I have to be earnestly responsible
for my mind and soul, especially not
forgetting and ignoring His grace and
the high price paid by our Lord Jesus.
As years go by, I start to forget what I
have taught the students in the classes
unless I revisit my teaching materials; I
only have some vague memories on what