Page 2 - To share_Farrugia_Dissertation_Summary_
P. 2


                     I would like to thank Dr Rebecca Fakoussa, my dissertation supervisor
                     for  all  her  guidance  support,  encouragement  and  motivation  whilst

                     writing the dissertation.

                     A special thank you to all the interview participants who took the time

                     and effort to provided me with information, without which I could not

                     have conducted the reserch and collected the data.

                     Other  individuals  which  provided  support  and  guidance  deserve  a
                     special mention, which go to the following people:

                     Mr. Dean Brookes for this advice and guidance as my personal tutor

                     over the past three years.

                     A special thanks to all the lecturers who taught me during my three

                     years studying at University of Northampton (UON).

                     A thanks also go to Joanne Farmer, the academic librarian who guided

                     me  with  academic  referencing  and  Aleksandra  Podsednik  for  her


                     A special thanks goes to my Maltese cousin who supported and cheered

                     me up when I had study pressure and during the Covid 19. pandemic.

                     All  contributions  pale  into  insignificance  against  the  sacrifice  of  my

                     parents Carmel and Susan during my studies.  I am extremely grateful

                     and  appreciated  for  their  love,  support  and  their  unfailing

                     encouragement and motivation.

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