Page 6 - To share_Farrugia_Dissertation_Summary_
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can be categorised as anticipated arrangements (such as the sensor
                     data) or disorganised arrangements (such as pictures or text).  Casey

                     (2019)  defined  BD  as  reliant  on  AI  to  assist  companies  to  achieve

                     unrealised  methods  for  data  storage  which  where  nor  previously

                     Hall and Pesenti (2020) defined AI as a series of progression in general

                     computerised  technology  which  allow  appliances  to  complete  jobs
                     efficiently.  Complementary Carmona (2019) defined AI as a use for

                     when machines executing tasks done by people.  Whereas Patel (2020)

                     defined  AI  as  cover  term  describing  technology  mirroring  human

                     intelligence.  AI is the use of a computer program or machine to learn.
                     AI is a field used  to make consumers smart where computers work

                     individually without provided commands.

                     Simon (2017) defined analytics as the steps to use plain data to obtain
                     insights and improvement of the topic.  AI informs individuals, groups

                     and organisations to improve and make better informed decisions by

                     embedding intuition with proof (evidence).  The Alan Turing Institute

                     (2020) define Data Analytics as the steps used to change raw data to
                     suitable  knowledge.    Data  Analytics  consists  of  various  stages  and

                     phases,  some  stages  of  the  data  analysis  procedure  have  been

                     improved by using software or tools.  Maryvill (2020) stated that AI
                     and BD work cohesively because they are dependent on each another.

                     AI and computer learning learn from data to create rules to assist with

                     future analytical decisions.

                        1.2.       Importance of study
                     Tivon (2019) indicated that the wine industry is taking advantage of

                     BD: analysing the performance of wine bottle labels to increase wine

                     sales;  teaching  computers  to  taste  to  predict  wine  that  customers

                     would like prior to buying it.  The wine industry applies wine sales trend
                     analysis (by time), profile customer behaviour, visualise it for specific

                     market and present it to distributors.  This enabled wine organisations

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