Page 5 - To share_Farrugia_Dissertation_Summary_
P. 5

1.  Introduction
                        1.1.       Background

                     The  application  of  Big  Data  (BD),  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  and

                     analytics has a critical role to play in the wine industry (covering the

                     whole  wine  life  cycle)  to  streamline  processes,  increase  process

                     efficiency,  save  money,  provide  decision  making  and  grow.    Mullen
                     (2020) defined viticulture as the study of vines and oenology as the

                     study  of  wines  and  the  winemaking  process.    Whereas  Market  line

                     (2018)  defined  the  wine  wholesale  industry  as  the  sale  of  fortified,
                     sparkling and still wine.

                     Wang (2018) stated that in 2018, the Big Data industry was valued at

                     $122  billion  dollars.    PwC  (2017)  informed  that  by  2030  AI  will
                     contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy.  Wood (2020) stated

                     that the global Big Data Analytics (BDA) market in 2018 was valued at

                     $37.34  billion  dollars  and  by  2027  it  is  expected  to  reach  $105.08


                     In  2023,  the  English  wine  markets  forecasted  a  value  of  $25,192.9

                     million, an increasing by 16% since 2018.  (Market line) 2018, pp.2.
                     Mullins (2020) informed that in 2018, Italy accounted for $6.22 billion

                     from the $32 billion of globally exported wine.

                     Sacolick (2017) states that BD is not defined by managerial issues but
                     by  an  organisational  capacity  for  Data  Analysis  in-order  to  create

                     intelligent  decisions  which  can  be  used  to  future  looking  decisions.

                     Mohammad  et  al  (2020)  defined  Big  Data  into  the  three  V  model

                     (volume, velocity and variety).  Big Data Volume defined as the volume
                     of data created that a mainframe must process daily.  Mohammed et

                     al  (2020)  defined  Velocity  as  the  creation  analysis  and  storage  of

                     information.  Ibid (2020) informed that roughly 80% to 90% of the

                     data Variety collected is in an unset format (text videos or censored
                     collected information).  Complementary is Skanska (2018) who defined

                     Big Data as large amount, choices and speed of data creation.  This
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