Page 25 - November2020
P. 25

gatherings; avoid meeting indoors when possible and maximize ventilation; comply with
                physical distancing; and ensure mask use. Employees should monitor for any symptoms. If

                any symptoms are detected, even mild ones, the employee should NOT report to work,
                and they should call the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Call Center (JHCCC) to be evaluated.

        Workplace Celebrations That Do Not Prevent Close Contact with Colleagues

           •  Workplace celebrations, if not planned to prevent close contact with colleagues, can
               create opportunities for COVID-19 transmission among employees. Prolonged close
               contact between colleagues who gather to socialize carries significant risk, especially when
               indoors and when masks are removed to consume food and beverages. As the COVID-19

               pandemic continues, we must be creative and find safe ways to celebrate. See the HEIC
               intranet for ideas on how to safely plan your next celebration and create much needed
               connections to safely support each other.

        Lack of Physical Distancing in Breakrooms and Work Areas

           •  Prolonged close contact and opportunities for COVID-19 transmission are likely to occur

               between colleagues when physical distancing is not practiced in breakrooms and work
               areas. Room occupancy guidance, furniture spacing, and workflow adaptations have been
               put in place in workplaces and breakrooms across Johns Hopkins Medicine. When these
               measures are inadequate or disregarded by employees, it creates opportunities for
               COVID-19 exposure and transmission. Seek help from your manager if you have concerns

               in your breakrooms or workspace. Consider using Microsoft Teams or Zoom to host
               meetings whenever possible, even if your team is on campus. We must diligently protect
               ourselves and each other while connecting and maintaining essential social interactions.
               See instructions to print physical distancing and room occupancy limit signage.

        Failure to Follow Safety Protocols When Commuting with Others

           •  Commuting or riding in a vehicle with others puts the occupants in close contact and at

               risk for COVID-19 transmission. Always wear a mask over your nose and mouth when
               riding with others, set airflow control to external air supply, open windows and sit at
               maximum distance from others.

        Safety protocols, including masking and physical distancing, are designed to protect patients and
        keep employees safe at work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommended personal

        protective equipment (PPE) and physical distancing are required in all Johns Hopkins Medicine
        facilities. Remember to always wear your mask, except when eating or drinking, and maintain
        physical distancing at all times except when providing medical care.

        For more information about the JHM contact tracing process and work restrictions, please refer
        to the JHM email sent Sept. 29. If you have questions or concerns about symptoms suggestive of

        COVID-19 or about potential exposure to someone with COVID-19, please call the Johns
        Hopkins Employee COVID-19 Call Center at 833-546-7546 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
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