Page 27 - November2020
P. 27


     Find Ways to Grow Closer

                                         While Avoiding Exposure!

     Guidelines for Planning Work Events during COVID-19:

            •    Avoid in-person gatherings – find another way to celebrate.

            •    Zoom parties are just as special! Grab food, find a physically distanced space
                 and join the party virtually.
                    •   Trivia – e.g. Kahoot
                    •   Virtual games - e.g. Jackbox

                    •   Photo memory / Pet party
                    •   Virtual celebration or happy hour

            •    When providing food:
                    •   Take turns to limit the number of people getting food at one time, always
                        physically distance - the bigger the space the better!
                    •   Avoid communal food.
                    •   Serve only individually wrapped foods.
                    •   Lots of hand sanitizer!

            •    Only remove your mask to eat and drink when you are appropriately distanced or
                 in your office alone, with your door closed.

            •    Put your mask back on when you are not eating.


     In-person gatherings are resulting in

     COVID-19 transmission.

                                                                                                       Lucky Business/

                                                              Failure to adhere to universal masking and physical distancing guidelines in
                                                              both clinical and non-clinical areas is managed through the HR disciplinary
                                                              process. Refer to Policy HR827 on HPO for more information.
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