Page 35 - 9 PLUS Mai 2022
P. 35
The Magic of Christmas in New turned out to be as shiny as the stars and as
York City gorgeous as the moon.
Taifas Claudia, Rockefeller Center is what I call a
Prof. Moldovan Cristina monumental treasure, a masterpiece that
reflects creativity and perfection because it
still represents an amazing memory that I
One year ago, I
made while bells were ringing all around and
had the opportunity to
a galaxy of colours was lying in front of me.
hug the splendor of
When I got home, after spending golden
New York. It was an
moments in the most popular city, I was
honour to spend
delighted that, hopefully, I would get to visit
precious moments surrounded by the beautiful
again this dreamy place, thanks to which, I
sound of happiness.
felt the spirit of Christmas in a different
Silver stars above us were shining brightly
region with different people, but it still felt
and the lights were literally marvelous. I
like home.
couldn‘t help admiring the greatness this city
held and when the angelic orchestra began, I
The Benefits of Comics in Education
immediately got goosebumps.
I love ornaments and I find them exquisite, Profesor Radu Ramona
but the Christmas ones are peerless. So, in
order to fulfill my wish, I went shopping for Comics are beneficial to learning in
these charming things and after buying the classroom and not just a fun art-
everything my heart wanted, I carried on my enrichment activity.
journey because I didn‘t want magic to wait Reading
for me too long. Comics provide narrative experiences
After passing by the lovely department store for students just beginning to read and for
windows, I went to church and my ears were students acquiring a new language. Students
blessed with the harmonies of ‗O Holy follow story beginnings and endings, plot,
Night‘. When I got out of the majestic characters, time and setting, sequencing
building, I thought of Fifth Avenue and my without needing sophisticated word decoding
tremendous desire to explore its beauty and skills. Images support the text and give
discover its famous history. students significant contextual clues to word
All the fabulous views left me speechless meaning.
and the Christmas tree I was looking for