Page 39 - 9 PLUS Mai 2022
P. 39

anxiety.  In  the  easy,  relaxed  atmosphere       engaging ESL classroom games and activities

            which  is  created  by  using  games,  students     you can use to spice up your lessons:
            remember things faster and better.                  ● Throw and catch

            ♦Games  increase  learners’  achievement.           Stand in a circle. Throw a ball (a ball of paper

            Games  can  involve  all  the  basic  language      will  do)  from  one  person  to  another  in  the
            skills  (listening,  speaking,  reading  and        circle. As you throw it, shout out an adverb.

            writing)  and  a  number  of  skills  are  often    When you catch it, you have got five seconds
            involved  in  the  same  game.  Games  can          to  use  the  adverb  in  a  sentence.  The  class

            motivate     learners,   promote     learners‘      decides if your sentence is correct. If it isn‘t,
            interaction and improve learners‘ acquisition.      you are out of the game. The last student left

            As  a  result,  games  can  increase  learners‘     standing  is  the  winner,  e.g.  A(  throwing)-

            achievement, which means that learners‘ test        Fluently!  B(  after  catching)  –  He  speaks
            results, ability of communication, knowledge        fluently.  B  (throwing)  –  Greedily!  C  (after

            of  vocabulary  or  other  language  skills  can    catching) –He ate his dinner greedily, etc.
            improve.                                            ●Adjectives

                     C.  Riedle  emphasises  the  advantage     Stand in a circle. Take turns to throw a ball to
            of    games      in    improving     learners‘      each other and follow this sequence: 1) say an

            achievements:  „„We  are  teaching  a  new          adjective; 2) say an associated noun; 3) make

            generation  of  students,  which  requires          a sentence with the adjective and noun, and so
            unconventional  teaching  strategies  to  be  put   on, e.g. A ( throwing) – Green, B( catching) –

            into  practice  in  the  classroom.  And  when      Tree, C ( catching) – The trees are very green

            schools use games, student benefits speak for       in the summer, D ( catching) – Hot…
            themselves  –  a  greater  desire  to  learn  and   Variation:  Students  only  have  to  say

            higher test scores.‘‘                               adjectives,  but  they must  begin  with  the last
                    In  brief,  games  prove  to  be  a  useful   letter  of  the  previous  adjective,  e.g.,  green,

            tool  in  language  teaching.  Games  not  only     new, wonderful, lovely, ….
            motivate  learners  and  create  a  friendly        ●A to Z

            atmosphere, they are aimed at developing all        Work in groups of six or seven. Choose one

            language  skills.  Consequently,  games  can        of    these   categories   (animals,    food,
            motivate,  promote  learners‘  interaction,         nationalities, adjectives, rooms and furniture,

            improve  their  acquisition  and  increase  their   clothes,  verbs)  and  take  turns  to  name  a
            achievement.                                        member of the category starting with the letter

                     There   are    hundreds,   probably        a  and  working  through  the  alphabet,  e.g.
            thousands  of  games  you  can  play  with  your    animals- ant, butterfly, cat, ….. If you can‘t

            students. Here are some examples of fun and         think of one you are out of the game. The last
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