Page 44 - 9 PLUS Mai 2022
P. 44

•The  shortest,  oldest  and  most  commonly        want to go out I must break through the wall.

            used word is ‘I‘.                                   What am I?
            •The word ‘Goodbye‘ originally  comes from          A: A chicken in an egg.

            an Old English phrase meaning ‟God be with


            Profesor Moldovan Cristina                          Q:What‘s full of holes but still holds water?

                                                                A: A sponge.

                                                                Q:While walking across a bridge, I saw a boat

               ♦Jokes are not only for having fun, but also     full of people. Yet on the boat there wasn‘t a

            for helping students to learn, for example the      single person.

            habits and values of a society different from           Why?
            their own.                                          A: Everyone on the boat is married.

                ♦Jokes  may  increase  motivation  for
            learning  and  rapport  among  students  in  the

            classroom. Laughter in the classroom tends to       Q: What flies without wings?
            promote  a  good  atmosphere  and  a  desire  to    A: Time.

            learn more.

                                                                Q:Where do fish keep their money?

                                                                A: In a riverbank, of course.
            Q: Name three keys that unlock no door!
            A: MONkey, DONkey, TURkey.

                                                                Q: It lives without a body, hears without ears,

            Q:What has four fingers and one thumb, but is       speaks  without  a  mouth  and  is  born  in  air.

            not alive?                                          What is it?
            A: A glove.                                         A: An echo.
                                                                Comănici Denis,

                                                                                  Profesor Moldovan Cristina

                                                                   English jokes to make learning
            Q:I have a little house in which I live alone.                     English fun

            My house has no doors or windows, and if I

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