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important in a student‘s life. They become an such a way that they enjoy learning and focus
encouraging factor, confident booster and on learning. They should adopt a fun method
moral supporter for students. of teaching to teach students instead of a
From schools, colleges, to universities, lecture method.
students need teachers everywhere to guide Drawing Real-life Connections
them to share their future. In spite of having Students understand real-life examples
the personality of a strict person, they are kind easily and quickly. A good teacher while
hearted and loving for their students. Due to teaching should connect various subjects to
all these reasons, the role of a teacher as an real-life situations and try to make topics
important factor in one‘s life can‘t be ignored. understandable to them. Teachers understand
Role Of A Teacher what their students need as they are the
Teachers play an essential role in the closest companions. Demonstrating even the
life of their students during school days and difficult topics with the help of real-life
even after school in the practical world. So, examples make it easier for teachers and
let‘s learn about the role of a teacher. students as well.
Sharing Knowledge Encouraging Students
Sharing knowledge, giving education, If a teacher appreciates and boosts the
and teaching about life is the primary confidence, it will be more effective for
responsibility of a teacher. In general, students. With encouragement, a teacher can
teachers mean to teach students the specific make students cross any barrier. Students get
syllabus and impart knowledge about the encouragement with words of appreciation
specific curriculum. Their duty is to make such as ‗good job,‘ ‗well done‘, ‗come on,‘
sure that students understand what is being and ‗keep it up‘. Right words at the right time
taught to them in the classroom or in online can do wonders.
teaching or in e-learning setup. Students need certain things apart from
All other roles of an educator are derived teaching from their teachers. So, teachers
from this primary role of a teacher. This role should always be ready to encourage,
gives birth to other roles. Teachers must motivate, and guide their learners.
fulfill this basic duty. Otherwise, they won‘t References:
be able to fulfill other duties. 1.Hadfield J., Beginner‟s communication
Making Learning A Fun Activity games/ J. Hadfield – Longman, 1999;
Every child is different, so their 2.Lee W. R.,Language teaching: Games and
choices are. Some students like studying Contests/ W. R. Lee- Oxford: Oxford
while some students do not. So, it becomes a University Press, 1991;
responsibility of a teacher to teach students in