Page 45 - 9 PLUS Mai 2022
P. 45
♥Jokes are an essential part of the English Dad: OK, if I go to Dubai and your mum
language and culture. If you really want to goes to Malaysia, where will you go?
understand English, it will help you if you‟re Son: Malaysia.
able to understand the jokes that people tell in Dad: (replied angrily) Why?
English. Son: Why the anger, I chose Malaysia
♥Check out these jokes and see if you because I have been to Dubai before.
understand them. Try telling a joke you like to Dad: When did you go to Dubai?
your friends. It‟s a good way to practise your Son: During the first question.
I walked into the pub
last night and noticed
Operator: 112, what‘s what seemed to be a party
your emergency? in the corner so I asked
Man: A guy just got hit the barmaid what was going on.
by a car, I need an ambulance. She said: ‗It‘s Tuyu‘s birthday‘.
Operator: What‘s your location? ‗Oh right, which one is Tuyu?‘, I replied.
Man: I‘m on Eucalyptus Street. She said: ‗Oh, I‘ve no idea! I‘ve just heard
Operator: Can you spell that for me? them singing ‗Happy Birthday, Tuyu!‘
Man: … (long awkward pause)
Operator: Sir, are you there?
Man: I‘m gonna drag him over to Pine Street Teacher: Tell me something that
and call right back. conducts electricity.
Student: Why, er….
Dad: Who do you like Teacher: Yes, wire! Now name a
more, mum or dad? unit of electrical power.
Son: Both. Student: A what?
Dad: OK, if I go to Teacher: Yes, a watt! Very good.
Malaysia and your mum goes to Dubai, where
will you go?
Son: Dubai.
Dad: That shows that you love your mum I was in a job interview
more. today when the manager
Son: No, it shows I love Dubai more than handed me his laptop and
Malaysia. said ‗I want you to try to sell this to me.‘