Page 43 - 9 PLUS Mai 2022
P. 43
Elevii clasei a VIII-a E
Prof. Moldovan Cristina
•Horses and cows sleep
standing up.
•Dragonflies have got six legs but
they cannot walk.
Here are some amazing facts about animal
Taifas Claudia, clasa a VIII-a D
that you won‘t believe are true: Prof. Moldovan Cristina
•Elephants are the only mammal that
can‘t jump. DID YOU KNOW....
Let’s take a look at ten interesting facts
•It is physically impossible for pigs to
about the English language.
look up into the sky. •English is the language of the air. This means
that all pilots have to identify themselves and
•A group of frogs is called an army. speak in English while flying, regardless of
their origin.
•English is the official language of 67
•Cats are not able to taste anything countries.
that is sweet. •The first English dictionary was written in
•The sentence ‟the quick brown fox jumps
•Kangaroos cannot walk backwards.
over the lazy dog‟ uses every letter of the
English Alphabet.
•‘Dreamt‘is the only English word that ends
•Snails take the longest naps with
some lasting as long as three years. in the letters ‘mt‘.
•Number four is the only with the same
•A shark is the only known fish that amount of letters.
can blink with both eyes. •The word‘queueing‟ is the only English word
with five consecutive vowels.
•A shrimp‘s heart is in its head. •‘Swims‘ wil be ‘swims‘even when is turned
upside down. Such words are called