Page 36 - 9 PLUS Mai 2022
P. 36
As Stephen Cary, a second language experience using words alone. Like reading,
learner specialist and author of Going comics provide a scaffolding so that students
Graphic: Comics at Work in the Multilingual experience success in their writing. Students
Classroom, says: ―Comics provide authentic transfer specific elements directly into text-
language learning opportunities for all only writing. For example, students learn that
students…. The dramatically reduced text of whatever text found in a word balloon is put
many comics make them manageable and inside quotes in their text-only writing.
language profitable for even beginning level Key benefits of using comics in
readers.‖ education
Comics engage students in a literary Comics present what is essential
format which is their own. Comics speak to Easier to remember a visual graphic
students in a way they understand and identify containing key information
with. Engaging through thinking, creating and
Writing writing.
Many students read fluently, but find it Perfect avenue for writing dialogue
difficult to write. They complain that they Comics incite students with low interest in
don‘t know what to write. They have ideas, writing
but they lack the written language skills to Comics help organization through storytelling
create a beginning, follow a sequence of ideas and storyboarding
and then draw their writing to a logical Using visual images convey meaning to a
conclusion. story or topic
Students frequently ask if they may Comics develop creative and higher level
draw a picture when they are writing. They thought processes
are reaching for images to support their Comics develop composition techniques
language ideas. Allowed to use words and through visual-verbal connections
images they will resolve problems of Comics enrich reading, writing, and thinking
storytelling which they would not otherwise Sequencing promotes understanding
Măgureanu Olivia
Bărbulete Katia Țurcanu Teodora