P. 12

12                                                                                                                                                                                                        August 4, 2021

       HEALTH LIFESTYLE                                              “    “Mental health has a stigma that is tied into weakness
                                                                          and is absolutely the antithesis of what athletes
                                                                          want to portray. ”  (Dr. Thelma Dye Holmes)

        Is the stigma of mental health                                                                                        Simone Biles

        increased for athletes?

        “Mental health has a          physically healthy individuals. Top   medical  professionals  when   of  the  assumption  that  athletes   “hidden”  head  injuries  from
                                      elite  athletes  are  are  idealised   diagnosing  and  treating  athletes   should be mentally healthy in a bid   contact sports  may  leave athletes
        stigma that is tied into
                                      within the media, often subjected   (Schwenk, 2000). Issues that stand   to increase awareness and remove   with a predisposition to developing
        weakness and is               to  a  large  fan  base,  potentially   out include:      the stigma surrounding the mental   depression or post-traumatic stress
        absolutely the antithesis     giving the perception that they are   1.  Despite  the  known  beneficial   health of athletes.   disorder.  In  addition,  other
        of what athletes want to      immune to such problems.     effects  of  exercise  on  mental   They  pointed  out  the  following   p h y s i c a l   i n j u r i e s ,   b a d
        portray. ”                    Athletes  often  do  not  seek  help   i l l n e s s ,   a t h l e t e s   a r e   s t i l l   facts:  performances,  issues  with
                                      from mental health services or fail   susceptible, although, perhaps at a   *  Mental  illness  is  very  likely  as   t e a m m a t e s   o r   c o a c h e s ,
        (Dr. Thelma Dye Holmes)
                                      to fully participate once they have   lower prevalence than the general   common  in  athletes  as  in  the   overtraining, aging and of course
                                      begun. One of the reasons for this   population           general population            the dreaded retirement, may leave
        When  an  athlete  experiences   disconnect  is  stigma,  namely,  to   2.  Athletes  may  be  vulnerable  to   * It is not a sign of weakness and   the  athlete  vulnerable  to  the
        physical  injury,  there  is  often  a   avoid  the  label  of  mental  illness   misdiagnosis  of  mental  illness   should  be  taken  as  seriously  as  a   development  of  mental  health
        team  of  medical  personnel   and the harm that this often brings,   than are non-athletes, particularly   physical injury  problems.
        including  doctors,  trainers  and   for  example,  the  potential   with problems that are related to   *  Getting  help  will  most  likely,   Athletes should not feel pressured
        physiotherapists  employed  to   diminishing  of  self-esteem   athletic  training  and  may  be   improve,  not  damage  one’s  self-  into masking the problem; instead,
        ensure a speedy recovery. However,   (Corrigan,  2004).  Mental  health   viewed  from  a  more  narrow   confidence   the  “gladiator  barrier”  that  they
        when  an  athlete  experiences  a   stigma is still an ongoing issue in   physiological  perspective  rather   *  Why  are  athletes  vulnerable  to   often possess should be dropped,
        mental health issue, the treatment   society;  however,  this  may  be   than  a  broader  bio-psychological   mental health issues?  as this remains the primary barrier
        process is often not quite as similar.   heightened even more in athletes   perspective.  Athletes  may  be  vulnerable  to   for seeking treatment.
        Mental  illness  in  sport  is  often   who may fear the loss of their role   3.    The  similarities  between   developing  mental  health  issues   The  idea  that  seeking  help  for
        overlooked and an athlete may be   model status.           “depression”  as  a  psychiatric   for a number of reasons. First of all,   mental health problems makes the
        left with feelings of loneliness and                       disease,  and  “overtraining”  as  a   the  stress  and  pressures  of   athlete appear ‘weak’ needs to be
        abandonment, unsure of where to   S t i g m a   o n   b e h a l f   o f   th e   consequence  of  continuous   competing  on  a  daily  or  weekly   addressed  from  both  a  general
        turn.                         professionals                intense  athletic  training  are   basis may leave the athlete with the   media  perspective  and  from  the
        Many assume  that  mental  health                          remarkable.                  potential  to  develop  feelings  of   perspective  of   the  athlete
        issues in athletes are rare, as they   There  also  appears  to  be  a   T h e  A m e r i c a n  Ps yc h i a t r i c   depression or anxiety.   themselves.
        are often perceived to be extremely   stigmatisation  on  behalf  of   Association has noted the dangers   There is also reason to believe that   Written by Emma Vickers

        COVID 19 legacy: The mask will

        become a wardrobe staple

        Covid-19  has  moved  like                           “Wearing a mask may be even stranger to us
        wildfire  —  at  first  seemingly                       than wearing a Speedo at the beach,” says
        far  away,  then  un-nervingly                          Brandon Brown, an epidemiologist and
        close — as it has ripped across                          associate professor at UC Riverside.
        the  world  in  a  few  months,                            “It’s just not the norm, so there is
        leaving  tens  of  thousands  dead,                         judgment,  but  there  is  nothing
        economies  flattened,  and  the                               wrong with it.”
        futures  of  hundreds  of  millions  of                        In  China  and  other  nations,
        people in limbo.                                                masks  are  now  part  of     DO COUPLES LIE ABOUT
        As many of us shelter in place with no                            everyday  life.  “Asian
        end in sight, it’s only human for us to                           countries  have  faced
        imagine how life will resume, even if the                         such  epidemics  and        MONEY TO EACH OTHER?
        unfamiliar and unpredictable behaviour of                        pandemics  more  in  the
        the virus has made it difficult to know with                     past,” he says, including SARS
        any certainty.                                               outbreak  of  2002-2004,  which   • 15% of married people have a bank account that they keep hidden
        The  longer  the  global  effort  to  stymie  the           still  looms  large  in  the  public   from  their  partner.  And 1-in-10 people  say  they’ve  lied  to  their
        pandemic through lockdown continues, however,            imagination in China and Hong Kong.   partner about how much they earn. And another 10% lie about how
        the  less  likely  we’ll  reemerge  into  a  world  we   These nations have long understood face   much they spend. Experts say a lot of couples hide money because
        recognize. Already, some things are clear: Health care,   coverings as a public health resource and a tool   they want to spend without being accountable to their spouse. And
        stretched  to  horrifying  extremes  in  afflicted  cities,   for cultivating national unity. It’s routine, for example,   people lie about what they spend to avoid arguments. But it’s going
        must change, and it will. The world’s Instagram-fueled   to see people donning masks on the streets of Beijing,   to come out at some point, and 30% of people surveyed said they
        love affair with travel will cool. Many will keep stashes   Seoul, or Taipei as they take to the streets or socialize   felt that hiding purchases or bank accounts was financial infidelity,
        of personal protective equipment at the ready; many   with friends, because someone with a cough will likely   and they considered that as harmful as having an affair.
        more will lose faith in governments to assist us, much   be hesitant to put their neighbours in jeopardy.   • Here’s another money truth, which shows just how powerful a
        less protect us.                            “It  does  seem  that  in  general,  thinking  of  and   motivator it is: A lot of people admit, they would marry someone
        To begin to envision the legacy of this Covid-19:  protecting others is more of a norm in some countries   for their money. To be exact, more than half of all men and women
        The mask will become a wardrobe staple      other than our own,” Brown says.               say they’d marry someone they were only “slightly attracted to,” as
        All over the world, masks are more readily associated   But public sentiment on the issue of masks is evolving.   long  as  the  person  had  money.  Psychologist  Dr.  Elizabeth
        with crime than public health. We’re a world of mask   Just as the US mobilizes to provide front-line workers   Lombardo says this makes sense because a lot of people think
        skeptics: Several parts of America, states have enacted   with  personal  protective  equipment  amid  mass   having more money means they’ll have more security. But over
        anti-mask  laws  throughout  history  as  a  means  of   shortages, brands are also swooping in to meet a surge   time, Dr. Lombardo says money will not make up for deep flaws in a
        quelling  protest  and  stifling  dissent.  But  the   in demand for masks that gel with modern consumer   relationship and a lack of love.
        immediacy of the pandemic — the horror stories of   tastes.  Cloth  masks  designed  and  marketed  by  Los   • Another money issue couples have: Their happiness is influenced
        bodies  stacked  up  in  refrigerated  trucks,  the   Angeles Apparel and Christian Siriano are reflections   by how much money they make. A Cornell University study found
        overwhelmed  hospitals, and the atmosphere of  fear   of  this  broader  shift  in  the  cultural  climate.  Mega-  that, in general, husbands who earn more money than their wives
        and  paranoia  created  in  its  wake  —  will  force   influencers like Kim Kardashian and Bella Hadid have   are more satisfied in their relationship than men who earn the
        Westerners to reconsider old stigmas associated with   also endorsed them with pandemic-era selfies, lending   same, or less, than their partners. But when women are the primary
        masks for the sake of public health.        masks a stamp of pop-culture-approved normalcy.   breadwinner, they tend to be less satisfied with their relationship.
        The  mask  aversion  is  compounded  by  the   Though the science behind the effectiveness of masks   Researchers  say  this  comes  from  our  deep-rooted  idea  of
        longstanding  epidemic  of  police  violence  against   is  far  from  exact,  living  through  the  pandemic  will   “traditional” gender roles.
        people of colour, some of whom understandably fear   undeniably alter Western attitudes about them, as well   But know this: You’ve gotta get to the heart of your money issues
        the consequences of purchasing essential goods while   as government policy.               and talk about them. Because a study at Utah State University
        cloaked in a prophylactic bandana. Even now, it’s easy   And as the memory of Covid-19 becomes permanently   found that couples who disagree about financial matters once a
        for  a  mask  to  evoke  dastardly  connotations  or  be   enmeshed with the national psyche, masks are likely to   week are 30% more likely to divorce.
        mistaken for a disguise.                    become a fixture of our post-pandemic world.
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