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August 4, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                      11

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                     Do You Know Someone Retiring in 2021 and Can Use The Advice of a 32 Year Experienced Retirement Specialist?

        Canadian Guide to Financial Prosperity in

        a Post COVID Environment

        Chapter 1: Introduction:      plans  to  generate  positive   Canadians  held  on  to  their  cash;   appreciated and were grateful for   trained to help everyday Canadians
        The Fundaments of this Guide…  responses; likewise, every problem   primarily,  as  a  safety  net,  as  we   the  six  (6)  month  mortgage   whether  a  multitude  of  financial
                                      has an amicable solution.   At the   simply did not know, (due to the   deferral  privilege  from our  banks   storms, including COVID-19. More
        At  the  Money  Café  Corp,  we  are   Money Café, we have the recovery   nature  of  unchartered  territory)   and  credit  unions,  freezing  of   than  ever  Canadians  need  a
        recommending  our  clients  and   formulae.                how we were going to be affected   credit  card  and  utility  payments   Financial Plan and he Manage Your
        associates  read,  understand,  and   Based on COVID-19’s, 24 x 7 media   and for how long.  and/or  any  other  financial   Money™  software  is  our  #1  user-
        refer to this book as the template   coverage, we learnt a lot and better   Let  us  face  the  facts, as  much as   privileges.  However,  the  deferral   friendly  platform  to  create  this
        for  our  (collective)  multi-faceted   educated ourselves; however, if we   COVID-19  affected  millions   privilege or freeze was not free, as   critical document.
        recovery  plan,  as  our  goal  is  to   are caught off-guard with COVID-  globally, we are eternally thankful   with  most  lending  facilities,  it   Finally,  COVID-19  has  affected
        provide practical solutions to real   20  or  21;  we  have  ourselves  to   that  comparatively  speaking,   came with a cost and that cost can   everyone,  whether  you  were
        problems  caused  by  COVID-19.   blame.  When  COVID-19  first   Canada had one of the lowest cases   significantly  derail  our  recovery   offering  or  receiving  financial
        Research  indicate  Canadians  are   appeared  on  the  scene,  no  one,   count  per capita  (globally) and a   and wealth management journey if   advice,  thankfully,  with  over  32
        seeking  easily  implemented  and   including the ‘experts’ could have   large  percentage  of  contracted   we do not take heed and create a   years in the Wealth Management
        practical solutions to the myriad of   predicted it’s depth and severity or   Canadians survived  the  ill-effects   practical  and  actionable  recovery   sector (Advanced Case Specialist)
        financial concerns triggered by this   the consequential current and or   of COVID-19.   action  plan.  Did  you  realize,   and  the  creator  of  Canada’s  first
        pandemic  and  we  believe,  this   future financial impact on our day   COVID-19  has  been  labeled  the   deferring your mortgage payments   consumer  focused  Financial
        guide  can  serve  as  a  ‘subliminal’   to day lives.     pandemic  of  the  century!  To  see   for 6 months added 15 - 18 months   P l a n n i n g   s o f t w a r e ,   I   a m
        reminder  and  ‘go-to  resource’  to   Unfortunately, a small percentage   first-hand and/or to verify COVID-  to  our  mortgage  amortization?   experienced and well equipped to
        o ve r c o m i n g   o u r  fi n a n c i a l   of  Canadians  chose  to  defy   19’s  magnitude,  simply  turn  on   Check out yours…  handle financial challenges.
        concerns.                     COV I D - 1 9 ’s  w a r n i n g s  a n d   your  TV,  grab  a  newspaper  or  go   Solution  Providers:  At  your
        The  years  2020  and  2021  will  go   continued living ‘normally’; sadly,   online to confirm the current and   disposal  are  Financial  Advisors,   Next: Chapter 2 of 10:
        down in Canadian history as two of   their  actions  triggered  super-  long-term  effect  and  potential  of   who are not only experienced with   Debt Elimination…
        t h e   m o s t   s i g n i fi c a n t   a n d   spreader  events,  which  was   this catastrophic pandemic.  wealth management planning, are
        t u m u l t u o u s   y e a r s   i n   t h i s   inexcusable!    However,  COVID-  This  calamitous  phenomenon
        millennium,  where  a  deadly,   19’s  impact  goes  way  beyond  the   created  an  era  of  mayhem  and
        brazen,  and  unannounced  event   health aspects; it is 100% corelated   ambiguity; an era in which we now   For more information, or to create your post covid recovery plan
        forced  our  day-to-day  lives,   with  the  financial  impact  of  our   m u s t   m e t i c u l o u s l y   a n d   please drop me a line at:
        including  our  livelihood,  to   long-term wealth creation goals.  systematically  recover  by  a) and or contact me via Linkedin or Facebook.
        temporarily shut down.        What we failed to understand (at   increased  sense  of  awareness;  b)   You can also check out my websites: |
        T h i s   s h u t d o w n   t r i g g e r e d   the  time)  is,  over  and  above  the   invest  a  significant  percentage  of |
        unchartered,  incomprehensible,   health  crisis,  at  home  isolation   human  resources  and  c)  an
        and  mind-blowing  adjustments,   married with our inability to work,   actionable financial plan.  Article; courtesy;
        which, sadly, will be felt for years;   (whether  we  ended  up  in  the   There will be no ‘free-lunch’ here;   The Money Café Corp/Retire-Rite Lifestyle Solution™
        however, do not be disheartened; at   hospital  or  not),  had  a  direct   we must roll up our sleeves and do
        the Money Café; we have created a   correlation  to  our  financial   what  is  required  to  pave  the   Kindest Regards
        myriad  of  course-correction   concerns, status, and recovery.  pathway to a smooth recovery, the   Riyad K Mohammed FA; PWA; RMS
        activities to reverse the ill-effects of   The  ill-effects  of  COVID-19  went   good news is; focusing on the end-  Advanced Case Specialist/Financial Advisor
        COVID.                        much  deeper  than  missing  pay   result or your personal goals, will   The Money Café Corp
        To say we were not prepared is an   cheques; we were so focused on our   make  our  recovery  process  more   1-813 Dundas Street W. Whitby; On; L1N 2N6
        understatement;  however,  every   health; we didn’t pay attention to   enjoyable.        C: 647.554.2307
        disaster,  regardless  of  its  nature   COVID-19’s  interruption  of  our   To ease our frustration and to offset   E: W:
        and  effect,  triggers  actionable   wealth  creation  activities.  Why?   o u r  i n a b i l i t y  t o  wo r k ,   we

        Cuomo must resign after probe finds he harassed 11 women

        NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  New  York   sex lives were telling the truth.                       The  investigation's  findings  are   legitimate  sexual  harassment
        Gov.  Andrew  Cuomo  faced    Those  accusers  included  an  aide                       crucial,  according  to  Heastie,  to   victims that the law was designed
        mounting  pressure  Tuesday  to   who said Cuomo groped her breast                      expediting  the  ongoing  state   to protect,” Cuomo said.
        resign,  including  from  President   at  the  governor’s  mansion  and  a              Assembly  inquiry  into  whether   C u o m o   a l w a y s   d e n i e d
        Joe  Biden  and  other  onetime   state trooper on his security detail,                 there  are  grounds  to  impeach   inappropriate  touching,  but  he
        Democratic  allies,  after  an   who said he ran his hand or fingers                     Cuomo,  who  has  been  raising   initially  said  he  was  sorry  if  his
        investigation  found  he  sexually   across her stomach and her back.                   money for a potential fourth term.   behaviour  with  women  was
        harassed  nearly  a  dozen  women   Anne Clark, who led the probe with                  In  his  taped  response,  Cuomo   “misinterpreted  as  unwanted
        and worked to retaliate against one   former  U.S.  Attorney  Joon  Kim,                apologized  to  two  accusers:   flirtation.” He got more combative
        of his accusers.              s a i d   t h e  a l l e g a t i o n s  we r e            Charlotte  Bennett,  who  said  the   in  recent  months,  saying  he  did
        “I  think  he  should  resign,”  Biden   corroborated  to  varying  degrees,            governor asked if she was open to   nothing wrong.
        told reporters Tuesday, echoing the   including  by other witnesses and                 sex  with  an  older  man  after  she   He  has  also  questioned  the
        sentiments  of  House  Speaker   contemporaneous text messages.                         confided in him that she had been a   neutrality  of  the  lawyers  leading
        Nancy Pelosi and New York's U.S.   “These  interviews  and  pieces  of                  victim  of  sexual  assault,  and  a   the  probe.  Kim  was  involved  in
        Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten   evidence  revealed  a  deeply                         woman he kissed at a wedding.  previous  investigations  of
        Gillibrand, all Democrats.    disturbing  yet  clear  picture:  Gov.                    But he denied other allegations as   corruption  by  people  in  Cuomo’s
        The  leader of  the state assembly,   Cuomo  sexually  harassed current                 fabricated  and  lashed  out  at  the   administration.
        which  has  the  power  to  bring   and  former  state  employees  in                   investigative process, saying it was   New  York  state  regulations  say
        impeachment  charges  against   violation of federal and state laws,”                   rife  with  “politics  and  bias.”  He   sexual  harassment  includes
        Cuomo, said it was clear that the   New York Attorney General Letitia   New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo   explained that he’s been physically   unwelcome  conduct  of  a  sexual
        governor could no longer remain in   James said at a press conference on   faces mounting pressure to resign  embracing  people  his  whole  life,   nature — from unwanted flirtation
        office.  Speaker  Carl  Heastie,  a   Tuesday.                                            that his mother and father - former   to sexual jokes — that creates an
        Democrat, said he would move to   The  investigation's  findings,   winter, led to a chorus of calls for   Gov. Mario Cuomo - had done the   offensive  work  environment,
        complete an impeachment inquiry   detailed  in  a  165-page  public   Cuomo’s  resignation  from  many   same  and  that  the  gesture  was   regardless of a perpetrator’s intent.
        "as quickly as possible.”     report, turn up the pressure on the   top  elected  Democrats  in  New   meant to “convey warmth.”  Cuomo  championed  a  landmark
        T h e   n e a r l y   fi v e - m o n t h   63-year-old  governor,  who  just  a   York. Schumer and Gillibrand said   Cuomo's  lawyer  issued  a  written   2019 state law that made it easier
        investigation,  overseen  by  New   year ago was widely hailed for his   the report only reinforces the call   rebuttal  to  the  investigation’s   for  sexual  harassment  victims  to
        York  Attorney  General  Letitia   steady  leadership  during  the   for his resignation they first made   findings, arguing in most cases that   prove their case in court. Alleged
        James  and  led  by  two  outside   darkest  days  of  the  COVID-19   last March.      serious allegations, like the alleged   victims no longer have to meet the
        lawyers, concluded that 11 women -   crisis, even writing a book about it.  “No elected official is above the law.   groping, didn't happen, or that his   high  bar  of  proving  sexual
        in and out of state government  -   Since then, he's seen his standing   The  people  of  New  York  deserve   actions were misconstrued.  harassment  is  “severe  and
        who said that Cuomo had touched   crumble  with  a  drumbeat  of   better leadership in the governor’s   “For  those  who  are  using  this   pervasive.”
        them inappropriately, commented   harassment allegations.  office. We continue to believe that   moment to score political points or    Michael R. Sisak and Marina Villeneuve
        on  their  appearance  or  made   The  revelations,  most  of  which   the Governor should resign,” they   seek publicity or personal gain.  I   Associated Press writer Jocelyn Noveck
        suggestive  comments  about  their   were initially made public last   said in a joint statement.  say  they  actually  discredit  the   contributed to this report.
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