P. 6
6 August 4, 2021
EDITORIAL “ It’s not mere coincidence that Tokyo’s two highest-profile female Olympians suffered similar fates
within hours of one another. That’s because these mental health issues aren’t just personal struggles,
but the result of structural problems in the world of sport and broader society.
ou c
an do s
You can do something about
Y Y ou c an do s omething about
omething about
accinated people
stubborn unv
stubborn unv
stubborn unvaccinated people? SHE GAVE US
accinated people
Covid cases are going up. And yet, vaccine
resistance grows. One would think that the AMAZING FEATS
mounting and incontrovertible evidence that the
Delta variant is something to fear would convince
all vaccine holdouts to get the shot. This situation OF ATHLETICISM
has left many of us with stubbornly unvaccinated
people in our lives to wonder: Can I do something EVER SEEN
about this? You can -- and you should. It's not SIMONE BILES
easy to talk to someone who is refusing to be
vaccinated and even harder to convince them to
change their mind. Here are a few suggestions. OWES YOU
Listen. Vaccine hesitancy is complex and rooted
in a number of beliefs and emotions. Some are NOTHING
scared of the unknown effects of the vaccine. Or
they're angry -- at the government, at China, at
whomever else -- for "making" them do this in the
first place. If you've been keeping yourself
informed and updated with credible health and
science reports, it's tempting to cite data or list
off all the reasons one should get vaccinated. But
for many who are resistant, facts and data and
science don't seem to matter; pleas can actually
turn them in the opposite direction. Trying to
make your best case can make them feel attacked
and blamed for the pandemic continuing. It's no surprise
The first best way to persuade someone to change
their mind is to first listen and understand where
their resistance lies. Talk in way that will help
them listen. Ever hear of "charm and disarm"? Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka
Those who are unvaccinated know you want
something from them, and that wanting -- that
"demand" -- may well make them dig in. Instead,
appeal to their softer side, and their fondness for hit their limits at Olympics
you, by making it personal. Explain why the
vaccine is important to you -- not why they
should get the vaccine. You might try offering
your own concerns, and how you overcame them.
Maybe you start to wear a mask again, and tell In the lead-up to Tokyo 2020, Simone Osaka and Biles are both targets of
them why, how even as you, too, are tired of doing Biles ascended from mere Olympic unrelenting racist and misogynist
so you're doing it for your safety and the safety of gymnast to pop culture idol, symbol of harassment.
everyone around you. female empowerment, and global “it Opinion Biles was a victim of systemically
Some people also do better reading versus girl.” Feverish headlines billed her as e n a b l e d s e x u a l a b u s e by U S A
hearing. If the unvaccinated person in your life is “superhuman,” more akin to a Marvel Sabrina Maddeaux, National Post Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar. Both
the sort who needs time to process -- or if, just as character than a 24-year-old woman. It are constantly judged not just by their
importantly, you're someone who tends to get was an adjective used over and over athletic prowess, but their appearance.
fired up in the face of debate -- consider putting ahead of the women’s team gymnastics Moreover, they’re both held to
your thoughts in an email instead. Taking a
final. something so silly, even though it’s so impossible standards in a way few, if any,
moment to gather and process your argument in a
It’s the sort of expectation that sets its big– the Olympic Games. male athletes are.
kind and respectful way, away from the heat of a
recipient up for failure. When a nation At the end of the day we want to walk out These standards are enforced by even
frustrating confrontation, can go a long way
pins not just its athletic, but moral hopes of here, not be dragged out of here on a well-meaning fans and feminists. Until
towards making a convincing case.
on a single person, the pressure becomes stretcher.”On the same day, tennis very recently, female characters in TV
Stay detached. Your emotions are not helpful.
incalculable. superstar Naomi Osaka was eliminated shows and movies weren’t allowed
Don't shame people who are unvaccinated, and
This is doubly true for female and from the Games in a stunning upset to realistic flaws. They were either virgins
don't show your own anger. Make them feel safe
minority competitors. They become Marketa Vondrousova in which she or Jezebels; princesses or witches. We
around you and enter any conversation knowing
human sponges, tasked with absorbing clocked 32 unforced errors. now do this to female athletes, reducing
you can stay reasoned, no matter what. Make it
their communities’ hopes and dreams, “I feel like my attitude wasn’t that great their complexity to simplistic
their decision. Position getting the vaccine as a
along with the hatred and vitriol of those because I don’t really know how to cope caricatures. Often, this happens
choice, -- a choice to take a chance on the vaccine
who’d rather they fail. The mental with that pressure, so that’s the best that because we want to emphasize how great
rather than on Covid.
overload is akin to saddling a kitchen I could have done in this situation,” she they are, how game-changing! But
Bribe them. Some people aren't getting
sponge with the burden of soaking up said after the match. perhaps it’d be more game-changing to
vaccinated because they're busy, misinformed
Niagara Falls. At some point, the sponge It’s not mere coincidence that Tokyo’s just let them play, to win and lose,
and/or see it as not worth their time. Maybe this
simply gets too full. It can’t take any two highest-profile female Olympians without all the extra expectations.
is your 70-year-old father, or your 20-year-old more. It sinks. suffered similar fates within hours of one The current fervour around female
stepdaughter. Offering to drive or accompany Leading up to the final, Biles wrote on another. That’s because these mental athletes reminds me of the ill-fated
them to their appointment -- and then rewarding Instagram that she feels “the weight of health issues aren’t just personal cultism of the #girlboss era. Young
them with something they'd appreciate, like the world on her shoulders at times.” struggles, but the result of structural women were so excited to finally see
lunch at their favorite restaurant or a book you Then, during her first vault in the event’s problems in the world of sport and t h e m s e l v e s r e p r e s e n t e d i n
think they'd enjoy -- may seem like pandering, first rotation, she lost her way mid-air. broader society. stereotypically male roles that they
but it's pandering with a purpose. Thankfully, she staved off disaster and It was inevitable that, having soaked up made false idols of flawed human
View it as a long game. Chances are good you're landed awkwardly on her feet rather so much pressure for so long, they would beings.
not going to convince anyone on your first than crashing onto her back, which is one day reach their saturation limit. This, of course, ended in scandal and
attempt. But that doesn't mean you won't the exactly what would’ve happened to most As separate demographics, women and tears. And while the corrosive effects of
second or third time. Don't give up. Have other gymnasts. CBC commentator and elite athletes are in the midst of mental blind hero-worship may not play out
patience, and keep the conversation open and former Olympian Kyle Shewfelt called health crises. Both have skyrocketing exactly the same in the athletic area,
ongoing. Over time, as they trust your the situation “dangerous.” rates of anxiety and depression. there are plenty of signs it won’t end well.
motivations and take in what you're saying -- and Minutes later, Biles pulled out of the Female athletes essentially experience Osaka and Biles need to take time to
have the chance to grow their own awareness of team final for medical reasons, which the worst of both worlds, making what work on their mental health, but sport
the news they're hearing around them, or the she later confirmed as a mental health happened to Biles and Osaka entirely organizations and fans alike also need to
masks they're starting to see more and more of -- issue. She said her coaches fully unsurprisingly even as the global media see Tokyo’s events as a wake up call.
you might have a chance. You do have to try. We supported the decision: “They saw I was labels both events “shocking.” Despite many of our best intentions,
all do. -Peggy Drexler
going through it and they totally agreed To realize these incidents aren’t we’re still setting female athletes up to
it was not worth getting hurt over shocking is to admit we have work to do. fail.
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