P. 4

4                                                                                                                                                                                                          August 4, 2021

        Canada’s Delta-driven 4th wave of COVID-19

        will be ‘different’ amid vaccinations: experts

                                                                   Canada's vaccinations rates, which   said  was  that  the  disease  control   reviewed  or  published  in  a
                                                                   remain among the highest in the   a ge n c y  wa s  n o t  re p o r t i n g   scientific journal.
                                     The public health agency
                                     The public health agency
                                     The public he alth ag enc y   world.                       denominators  --  the  amount  of   “I  assume  they  mean  [Delta  is
                                              s long
                                      f Canada'
                                     o of Canada's long-range      Even with  Canada's  rise  in cases,   people that had visited or travelled   spreading  among]  unvaccinated
                                     of Canada's long-range
                                     epidemic forecasts "suggests   Evans  said  that  they  would   around the state during the period   people, but it's not specified," he
                                     epidemic forecasts "suggests
                                     epidemic f
                                                     s "sugg
                                       e ar
                                     we are the start of a
                                     w we are the start of a       primarily  be  in  unvaccinated   which the study was conducted.  said.
                                          e the s
                                                    f a
                                                art o
                                                                   communities, pointing to the fact   According to the CDC, 469 cases   "How  often  they  spread  it,  the
                                              en f
                                     D Delta-driven fourth wave,"   that  over  97  per  cent  of  all  new   were found among Massachusetts   frequency of spread -- that's what's
                                     Delta-driven fourth wave,"
                                                 ourth w
                                                                   cases were among those who did   residents from July 3 to 26, and of   not clear to me in the data that's
                                                                   not get a shot.              those,  74  per  cent  were  among   been presented so far and so far, I
                                                                   Canada added at least another 218   those fully vaccinated.  think  it's  just  been  an  internal
                                                                   cases  of  COVID-19  on  Sunday,   Evans  estimated  at  least  100,000   document  that's  been  spread
                                                                   bringing  its  total  infections  to   people  travelling  and  moving   around. So I'm waiting to see a little
                                                                   1,431,219. Another two deaths were   around  the  state's  events  during   more data."
                                                                   reported as well, with the country's   that time period, and that the only   According to University of Toronto
                                                                   death toll now standing at 26,600.   469  cases  reported  among  such   epidemiologist Dr. Colin Furness,
                                                                   Over  1.39  million  people  have   high volume events were a better   the next wave would be "primarily
        As public health officials warn of an   The news also comes on the heels   recovered  and  more  than  49.5   indicator of vaccine's effectiveness.  experienced  by  unvaccinated
        incoming  Delta  variant-driven   of a new CDC report and study, the   million  vaccinations  have  been   Secondly,  Evans  pointed  to  the   people."
        fourth wave of COVID-19, experts   former of which warned  that the   doled out.        high vaccination rates in the state -  He  pointed  out  in  a  previous
        are saying that its spread will likely   Delta COVID-19 variant could be as   Active cases now look to be on the   - Massachusetts has at least 72 per   interview  with  Global  News  that
        be  "very,  very  different"  than   contagious as chickenpox and the   rise  across  the  country,  though.   cent  of  its  population  having   the vaccines were a "firebreak" that
        Canada's previous waves.      latter  pointing  to  a  string  of   Thursday  saw  another  903  new   received at least one dose and over   acted to prevent mass spread of the
        The  warning  came  from  chief   outbreaks even among those who   cases,  Friday  897  more  and   63 per cent of its population fully   virus,  as  well  as  hospitalizations
        public  health  officer  Dr.  Theresa   have been vaccinated.  S a t u r d a y   a n o t h e r  5 3 1 .   I n   vaccinated,  compared  to  the   and severe outcomes.Instead of the
        Tam on Friday, who pointed at the   However, according to Dr. Gerald   comparison, Canada recorded 391   national  average  of  57.7  per  cent   previous  mass  outbreaks  of
        upward  trend  in  cases  across   Evans,  chair  of  the  Division  of   recoveries  on  Thursday,  412  on   and 49.6 per cent, respectively.  COVID-19 in Canada, Furness said
        Canada. The public health agency   Infectious  Diseases  at  Queen's   Friday and 190 on Saturday.  Speaking on the Roy Green Show,   that they were now more likely to
        of  Canada's  long-range  epidemic   University, Canada's fourth wave of   This weekend's  COVID-19 data  is   Dr.  Ronald  St  John,  the  former   occur  in  non-vaccinated  people,
        forecasts "suggests we are the start   COVID-19 will differ greatly from   limited,  however,  with  only   WHO  director  for  the  Americas   who "occur in clumps."
        of  a  Delta-driven  fourth  wave,"   its previous ones despite the CDC   Ontario  and  Quebec  reporting   and national manager for Canada's   “They’re  not  randomly,  evenly
        Tam  told  reporters  at  a  press   reports  and  warning  from  PHAC   new cases as of today.  response  to  SARS,  expressed   distributed among the population.
        conference.                   officials.                     According  to  Evans,  the  CDC's   caution  when  interpreting  the   It’s a church group. It’s an ethnic
        Tam warned that if vaccine uptake   "If we have a fourth wave, it's going   study  on  vaccinated  people   findings of the internal CDC report   group. It’s people in an apartment
        doesn't  increase  in  the  country's   to look very, very different than the   contracting  COVID-19  after  large   that  pointed  at  the  ability  of  the   building," he said.
        younger  populations,  cases  could   previous waves," said Evans.  events  actually  presents  stronger   Delta  variant  to  spread  like
        e v e n t u a l l y   e x c e e d   s o m e   He said that there's "no way" that   evidence  of  the  effectiveness  of   chickenpox.  -- With files from The Canadian Press,
        communities'  health-care  system   such a wave would be as big as the   vaccines.      He pointed out as well that the data   Reuters,  Eric  Stober  and  Rachel
        capacities.                   previous  ones  simply  because  of   The main problem in the study he   in  the  report  was  not  peer-  Gilmore.
        Cop convicted of assaulting                                                                    S Spanish judge recommends
                                                                                                       Spanish judge recommends
        Dafonte Miller denied bail                                                                     S Shakira face tax fraud trial
                                                                                                       Shakira face tax fraud trial
        while applying to top court
                                                                                                       BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — A Spanish judge
                                                                                                       investigating alleged tax fraud by Colombian musician
                                                                                                       Shakira recommended on Thursday that the case go to trial
                                                                                                       after concluding there is evidence that the pop star could
        TORONTO — An off-duty police
        officer  convicted  of  brutally                                                                 have avoided her fiscal obligations to the state.
        assaulting a young Black man has                                                               Judge Marco Juberías wrote that his three-year probe found
        been  denied  bail  as  he  seeks  to                                                          there existed “sufficient evidence of criminality” for the
        bring his case before Canada's top                                                             case to go to a trial judge.
        court.                                                                                         The decision can be appealed.
        Const.  Michael  Theriault  had                                                                Prosecutors charged the singer
        asked to be released from custody                                                              in December 2019 with not
        while he applies for leave to appeal                                                           paying 14.5 million euros
        his  conviction  and  nine-month                                                               ($16.4 million) in taxes
        sentence with the Supreme Court                                                                in Spain between 2012
        of Canada.                                                                                     and 2014, when she
        In  a  ruling  released  recently,  the                                                        lived mostly in the
        Court  of  Appeal  for  Ontario                                                                country despite
        rejected  his  request,  saying  the                                                           having an official
        grounds of Theriault's application                                                             residence in Panama.
        to  the  higher  court  "have  little                                                          Shakira, 44, denied
        chance of success." The court also                                                             any wrongdoing
        says it is in the public interest to                                                           when she testified
        keep  Theriault  detained,  even   Const. Michael Theriault                                              Dafonte Miller  in June 2019.
        though he may serve much of his                                                                Her public relations
        sentence before the Supreme Court   appealed  the  acquittals  of   Miller  in  the  early  hours  of  the   firm said that she
        decides whether to hear his appeal.   Theriault and his brother but said   morning and beat him with a metal   had immediately
        Theriault was convicted last year of   it would proceed with a new trial   pipe, leaving him with a ruptured   paid what she owed
        assault  in  the  December  2016   only  if  his assault conviction was   eye and other injuries. The defence,   once she was
        beating of Dafonte Miller. He and   overturned.            meanwhile,  arguing  the  brothers   informed of the
        his  brother  Christian  were   The  appeal  panel  found  the  trial   acted in self-defence while trying   debt by the Tax Office.
        acquitted  on  the  more  serious   judge had made no legal errors and   to arrest Miller, who they said had   Shakira faces a
        charge of aggravated assault and on   dismissed  the  defence  appeal.  It   been  breaking  into  the  family   possible fine
        one count of obstruction of justice.  also threw out the Crown's appeal   truck.               and even possible jail time if found
        Earlier  this  month,  the  appeal   without  considering  its  merits   The case spurred multiple protests   guilty of tax evasion. However, a judge can waive prison
        court rejected appeals filed by both   given its stance on a retrial.   against  anti-Black  racism  and   time for first-time offenders if they are sentenced to less
        T h e r i a u l t ' s   l a w y e r s   a n d   During  trial,  prosecutors  alleged   police discrimination.  than two years behind bars. The Associated Press
        prosecutors.  The  Crown  had   Theriault and  his  brother chased   Paola Loriggio, The Canadian Press
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