P. 3
August 4, 2021 3
New DRPS vehicle released to raise
awareness about Human Trafficking
On Friday July 30, to mark the the Durham community, if even human trafficking,
World Day Against Trafficking in one survivor who sees it driving by contact Durham Regional
Persons, the Durham Region will be guided to the Police at 1-888-579-1520 ext 5600
Human Trafficking Coalition website to see all the supports we or Durham Regional Crime
unveiled a newly wrapped police offer in the community, it will be a Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS
cruiser designed to raise awareness win," adds Carly Kalish, Executive (8477).
and combat human trafficking. Director - Victim Services of
This year's theme for the World Durham Region.
Day Against Trafficking in Persons If you are a victim of or suspect
is "Victims' voices lead the way," to
highlight the importance of
listening to and learning from The Durham Region Human Trafficking Coalition includes:
survivors of human trafficking. The
newly wrapped cruiser promotes * Durham Regional Police * Victim Services of Durham Region
the Durham Region Human * SafeHope Home * Murray Mckinnon Foundation
Trafficking Coalition website * Victim Witness Assistance Program (Ministry of the Attorney General) - a website developed investigations since 2018. In 2020 Region to raise awareness of * Set Free Durham * CAREA Community Health Centre
to assist victims and direct them to the HT unit conducted 137, in hopes that victims * Bethesda House * Niijkiwendidaa Anishnaabekwewag Services Circle
local agencies that can help. investigations. As of June 30th this and potential victims see the * Durham Mental Health Services
Human trafficking is the fastest year (2021), they have already vehicle, visit the website and learn * Region of Durham Social Services (Income and Employment Supports
growing crime in Canada. Sixty-six conducted 155 investigations. h o w v i c t i m s a r e l u r e d b y Division)
(66) per cent of all human "The reality is that human traffickers, as well as where they * Durham Rape Crisis Centre * DRIVEN
trafficking in Canada occurs in trafficking is happening in can get local help if they are being * Women's Multicultural Resource and Counselling Centre of Durham
Ontario and it is a growing Durham region. It is happening in trafficked," says Detective Dave (WMRCC)
problem in Durham Region. DRPS' hotels through-out the Region, not Davies from the HT Unit. * Youth Justice Services (Ministry of Children and Youth Services)
human trafficking (HT) unit has far from our schools and other "Not only is the new HT DRPS * Herizon House * YWCA Durham * Lakeridge Health
reported a year-over-year increase places where youth hang out. This cruiser an incredible tool to create * Catholic Family Services of Durham * Durham Children’s Aid Society
i n h u m a n t r a ffi c k i n g vehicle will be on patrol in Durham awareness of human trafficking in
A p
TOA presents Summer Safety
T TOA presents Summer Safety
esents Summer S
with Ajax Fire August 19
with Ajax Fire August 19
with Aj ax Fir e August 19
Interactive, educational and fun safety
special for the entire family!4
Summer is heating up in Ajax! Stay safe with timely tips and
reminders from Ajax Fire and Emergency Services during
TOA’s first-ever ‘Summer Safety with Ajax Fire’ virtual event.
Watch and participate live on August 19 at 11 a.m. from the
comfort of home at
The free one-hour special covers a variety of topics including
cooking, CO and smoke alarms, and water safety.
Experience the new Rotary Park Throughout the event look out for
clues to help answer questions
from Sparky the Fire Dog®
boardwalk this summer for a chance to win a prize!
Questions can be submitted
live during the session
or in advance to
The new Rotary Park boardwalk is We Love Ajax Waterfront Photo A full recording
now open! To celebrate, the Town Contest - running all summer long will be available at
has released a new aerial tour video "Annually, during the spring - by sharing your favourite
to showcase the project. As a proud thaw, the mouth of Duffins boardwalk pictures for a chance to following the event.
Great Lakes community, the Town Creek can be unpredictable, win a prize! Full contest details are "The Town is excited to
of Ajax continues to invest in turbulent and dynamic, available at collaborate with Ajax Fire
infrastructure projects that allow causing considerable erosion and Emergency Services on the first
residents and visitors to experience and impacts to our ever 'Summer Safety with Ajax Fire' special.
its breathtaking landscapes while spectacular waterfront. While It's always important that we educate our community on the
we have taken many steps
protecting sensitive natural areas. over the years to reduce these “Investments that help safety precautions we should be following every day when it
In partnership with the Toronto effects, it became clear that a protect the environment and comes to cooking, having carbon monoxide and smoke
a n d Re g i o n Co n s e r v a t i o n long-term approach was provide more spaces for alarms and being around water. Join us August 19 at 11 a.m.
Authority and funded exclusively needed. The newly opened 140 people to safely get outdoors for a TV-style special that's enlightening for the whole
by the Federal Gas Tax fund, the metre-long raised boardwalk are essential. The upgrades to family."
the existing Duffins Creek
$1.6 million project features a new spans over the mouth of bridge near Rotary Park to - Regional Councillor Marilyn Crawford, Ward 1
raised boardwalk elevated above Duffins Creek, seamlessly enhance the surrounding
the regional flood level, which will connecting Rotary Park to the environment will help make “With summer comes many
help to re-establish the beach, existing pedestrian bridge, and Ajax greener and sustain our enjoyable seasonal activities, but
enhance natural habitats for ensures our waterfront is safer waterfront for future with fun also comes the
wildlife and improve accessibility and more resilient for years to generations to enjoy. ” responsibility of being safe. It's
for all users exploring the William come.”
imperative that we teach new
A. Parish Waterfront Trail.
generations the importance of
In addition, the trail leading to the
following precautions not only
boardwalk has been re-aligned to
for their own safety, but the
improve wayfinding and better
safety of others. It's our hope that
direct trail users away from the people will watch, remember and
Rotary Park playground. Mayor Hon. Mark share this broadcast so we can ultimately save lives."
While visiting the Ajax Waterfront Shaun Collier, Holland, - Shelley Langer, Fire Prevention Inspector, Ajax Fire and
and enjoying the new Rotary Park Town of Ajax MP Ajax
Emergency Services
b o a r d w a l k , r e s i d e n t s a r e
encouraged to participate in the