P. 5

August 4, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                        5

        A group of U of T students pushed for an MBA

        scholarship for Black students - and succeeded

        When Bilal Habib looked around                                                          executive  positions.  He  says  that   was so happy."
        his  cohort  at  the  University  of                                                    starts  all  the  way  back  in  the   'Future leaders' need to be
        Toronto's  Rotman  School  of                                                           classroom.                    seen in classroom: professor
        Management,  he  saw  some                                                              "When you think about the lack of   Nouman  Ashraf,  an  associate
        disparities.                                                                            Black students, the representation   professor at U of T and director of
        The  killing  of  George  Floyd  by  a                                                  at this level of education, you start   diversity and  inclusion  initiatives
        Minneapolis police officer last year                                                      to  see  the  impact  of  that  going   at Rotman, told CBC News, a lack
        prompted him to take a closer look                                                      further down the  line,"  Molokwu   of representation "says something"
        at the make-up of the students in                                                       said.  "The  higher  education  that   to students.
        his program — and what he found                                                         you  have,  the  higher  you  can   "If we don't see future leaders in our
        wasn't promising.  "There weren't a                                                     pursue a career, right?"      classroom,  we're  saying  that
        lot  of  Black  students  in  the                                                       Initiative earns shout out    leadership  only  comes  in  one
        program," Habib said he noticed.                                                        from R&B singer Montell       particular form... And we need to
        Currently, Black students make up                                                       Jordan.                       address that. We need to challenge
        less than 2.5 per cent of Rotman's
                                                                                                The  initiative  has  gained  some   that and we need to change that."
        Morning  and  Evening  MBA                                                                                            "The old adage about 'You can't be
                                       Bilal Habib (left) and Nonso Molokwu are part of the student-led initiative   attention in recent weeks, perhaps
        program — a three-year, part-time   to start a scholarship for Black students after seeing a lack of diversity   the  most  notable of which was a   what you can't see' applies to all of
        program  that  offers  classes  early     in their own program. (Submitted by Bilal Habib)  shout out from Montell Jordan, an   us," said Ashraf.
        and late in the day so that students                                                    American R&B singer best known   While  the  initiative  is  led  by
        can work during the middle. The   setting  up  a  better  future  for   come  in  and  then  don't  see  the   for his 1995 single This Is How We   students,  donations  will  be
        program  is  an  alternate  to  the   generations to come.   representation,  don't  see  people   Do It.             collected directly by the university.
        school's  two-year  full-time  MBA   The initiative was pushed forward   that look like you in class," he told   In a video,  Jordan applauded  the   All  proceeds  will  go  toward
        program.                      by a group of students that aimed   CBC  Radio's  Metro  Morning  on   students  that  pushed  for  the   providing  financial  support  for
        Habib,  along  with  a  group  of   to  lower  barriers  for  Black   Wednesday.  "That  was  kind  of   scholarship, even going so far as to   Black  students  applying  to  the
        Rotman students, decided to try to   students,  the  most  significant  of   disappointing and a letdown and is   sing  a  portion  of  his  hit  song  in   morning  and  evening  MBA
        change  that  —  and  successfully   which is the financial cost of higher   really one of  the  reasons why we   praise.   program.
        convinced the university to set up a   education. From left to right, Ehi   started this.”  "I am proud of you," Jordan said in a   Along with the rest of the student
        scholarship for Black students.   Agbonlahor, Brett Chmiel, Samah   The scholarship is meant to lower   video Habib shared on Twitter. "We   group,  Molokwu  hopes  the
        "The overall goal is to remove the   Chowdhury,  Onyeka  Elele,  Bilal   barriers,  the  most  significant  of   need  more  Black  leaders.  And   scholarship  can  help  as  many
        financial  barriers  for  students  in   Habib, Nonso Molokwu, Jathiban   which  is  the  cost  of  higher   initiatives  like  this  one  are  super   people as possible and lead to more
        the Black community, so that doing   (Jay)  Panchalingam  and  Priya   education.       refreshing to see. I'm thankful for   diversity in his program.
        an  MBA  is  a  viable  option  for   Puthankar.  (Submitted  by  Bilal   "It's  definitely  a  huge  financial   you.  I'm  grateful  for  you.  I  am   "What  success  looks  like  right
        them," he said.               Habib)                       commitment  to  pursue  an  MBA   extremely  proud  of  the  program   now? I couldn't really tell you. But I
                                      Nonso Molokwu is also part of the   program. And this definitely deters   because 'This is how we do it.'"  think what we're looking for is just
        Lack of representation        group spearheading this initiative.   people from wanting to go forward   "It  was  really  heartwarming,"   representation," he said.
        'a letdown’                   Born  in  Nigeria,  he's  one  of  the   with that," Molokwu said.   Habib  said,  adding  that  the   “What we want  to see  is walking
        The hope is that the proceeds will   handful  of  Black  students  in  his   On top of that, Molokwu said there   message  boosted  morale  for  the   outside in Toronto. We want to see
        help  break  the  cycle  of  Black   class.                is  barely  any  representation  in   group.  "I  reached  out  to  Montell   the same thing walking on campus
        students being ousted from higher   "There's  a  certain  level  of   corporate boardrooms and a lack of   and I told him what we were doing,   at the University of Toronto.”
        education due to systemic barriers,   disappointment  when  you  finally   Black  individuals  in  senior   and he was so excited to do it. He   -CBC News

        Pickering plans to make four                                                               Pick   ering park       ing fine hik        es:
                                                                                                   Pickering parking fine hikes:
                                                                                                   Pickering parking fine hikes:
        playgrounds fully accessible                                                               Here's what you need to know
                                                                                                                    at you need to kno
                                                                                                   Her Here's what you need to know
                                                                                                         e's wh

        Pickering  council  plans  to  make
        four  parks  fully  accessible,  and                                                       After nearly two decades of handing out the same parking fines in
        approved  the  funds  to  show  its                                                        the City of Pickering, council has decided to increase them.
        commitment  at  a  special  council                                                        A staff report says the ongoing parking issues in the waterfront
        meeting.                                                                                   areas of Pickering have been amplified as more people flock there
        At  the  Monday,  July  26  meeting,                                                       during the COVID-19 pandemic, and suggests a number of fines
        councillors  gave  pre-budget                                                              be increased.
        approval  in  the  amount  of                                                              The city’s traffic and parking bylaw was enacted in 2005 and with
        $1,451,264 as a total net project cost                                                     the exception of increased fines for illegally parking in accessible
        to  upgrade  four  existing  city                                                          spaces, the set fine amounts for parking violations have stayed
        playgrounds in south Pickering.                                                            the same.
        The upgrades will help the parks                                                           Council approved the new fines at the Monday, July 26 special
        meet  compliance  with  the                                                                council meeting.
        Accessibility  for  Ontarians  with                                                        Here are some examples of the set fine increases
        D i s a b i l i t i e s   A c t   ( A O D A )                                              • Being parked and being stopped in a prohibitive area: from $38
        standards.                                                                                 to $75.
        The parks and projected costs are:  The grant requires that the funding   s a f e t y  s u r f a c i n g   a n d   p l ay   • Being stopped while snow clearing is underway: from $38 to $90.
        Progress  Frenchman’s  Bay  East   request  show  confirmed  cash   equipment that is fully compliant   • Being parked within three metres of a fire hydrant: from $38 to
        Park  —  playground  upgrades:   contributions  from  other  sources   with the AODA. Ramping will be   $60.
        $105,400                      of at least 35 per cent of the total   provided to elevated structures to   • Being parked in excess of three hours: from $38 to $50.
        St.  Mary  Park  —  Playground   project  cost  —  hence  Pickering's   help  children  with  significant   • Parked vehicle in a fire route: from $75 to $150.
        reconstruction: $313,140     pre-budget  approval.  The  city   mobility  challenges  access  the   • Illegally parking in an accessible space will go from $300 to $500.
        Forestbrook  Park  —  playground   hopes the grant will fund $943,322   equipment.         Reduced early payment options will still be available
        reconstruction: $330,670     of  the  project,  and  the  parkland   The  existing  play  equipment  at   How the new fines were set
        Southcott  Park  —  playground   reserve fund will cover the rest.  Progress  Frenchman’s  Bay  East   The fine increases are based on a comparison of parking fines
        reconstruction: $439,260     Council  received  correspondence   Park, which is already accessible by   charged by other municipalities.
        The  plans  came  before  council   from  Pickering-Uxbridge  MP   ramps, was inspected and found to   How the current fees compare to Ajax
        around  one  month  after  a   Jennifer  O'Connell  in  June,   be  in  compliance  with  AODA   For overnight parking, no parking and no stopping, Pickering
        Pickering resident and supporters   encouraging  the city  to apply  for   standards; however, proper access   fines violators $38, compared to Ajax fining $60. Pickering
        p e t i t i o n e d   t h e   c i t y   f o r   the funding.  to the ground level is required to   charges $75 for parking in a fire route, compared to Ajax which
        improvements  to  its  accessible   O t h e r   t h a n   f o r   P r o g r e s s   achieve full accessibility to the play   charges $100. Pickering currently charges $300 for parking in an
        playgrounds.                 Frenchman’s  Bay  East  Park,  the   structure.  Proper  ramping  down   accessible space, and Ajax charges $500.
        Staff are applying for the Enabling   proposal is to fully reconstruct the   into  the  playground  area,  new   When asked at the meeting if Pickering will charge out-of-town
        Accessibility  Fund  (EAF)  to  help   existing  playgrounds,  providing   rubber safety surfacing and some   visitors for parking by the lake like the Town of Ajax recently
        pay  for  the  retrofits.  This  federal   new  flush  concrete  edging,   additional  ground  level  play   started doing, director of corporate services and city solicitor Paul
        grant  provides  up  to  $1  million   accessible  walkways  where   equipment is being proposed.  Bigioni said staff are looking into the possibility.
        towards  accessible  project   required,  site  furniture,  safety   The city plans to consult the public   “We are looking at best practices elsewhere as well,” he said.
        activities to improve accessibility.   railings  and/or  fencing,  rubber   when plans move forward.
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