P. 13

August 4, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                      13
               “     The greatest Raptor of all time. He showed our city who we want to be. The fighter. The leader,             SPORTS
                     The player who's got your back and leads the charge. Who takes the charge. Who falls down
                     and gets back up. Again and again.” -Toronto Mayor John Tory paying tribute to Kyle Lowry

        Kyle Lowry to join Miami Heat

        after nine seasons with Toronto Raptors

        TORONTO  -  Raptors  star  guard   Lowry was seen as a key player in   “I play this game for the love for the         In  January  2019,  he  added  to  his
        Kyle Lowry is headed to the Miami   the free-agent guard sweepstakes,   game. But at the end of the day I             legacy  by  joining  a  select  group
        Heat.                         one of the first dominoes to drop   want to make sure my family is still                 with  5,000  career  assists.  Lowry
        Lowry put out a social media post   and  set  the  stage  for  future   taken care of for generations and             found Serge Ibaka on a pick-and-
        to his more than 907,000 Twitter   signings.               for time to come. Even though they                         roll and the big man beat Deandre
        followers  saying  “Miami  Heat  X   With Lowry's contract expiring, it   are now, I want to continue to              Ayton to the hoop for a dunk in a
        Kyle  Lowry”  and  “Let's  Goo!!”   was the long goodbye for the star   be able to do that for my family.”            111-109 win over the Phoenix Suns.
        followed by five fire emojis.   guard.  In  February,  there  were   But the six-time all-star made                              His two young sons  “He's been in the league a long time
        The post came less than 45 minutes   reports Lowry - who was in Tampa   it clear he is not ready to walk                                  were often in the  and he's had the ball in his hands
        after  free  agency  officially  kicked   with the rest of the Raptors due to   away from the game.                      Raptors dressing room,  and  got  it  to  a  lot  of  people,”
        off Monday at 6 p.m. Deals will not   p a n d e m i c - r e l a y e d   t r a v e l   “Until that time comes, I still have a                 playing video games or just   Toronto coach Nick Nurse said at
        be  considered  official  until  noon   restrictions - had put his Toronto   lot  more  to  give,  I  have  a  ton  of   hanging out with dad.  the time.“ Since I came here five-
        Friday,  with  the  Raptors  saying   home on the market.  basketball left in me,” he said.  He   On  the  court,  Lowry  was  the   and-a-half years ago, it was the first
        they  would  have  nothing  to  say   Then the March 25 trade deadline   also made it clear he wanted to play   Raptors' conductor.  thing I noticed - how he'd find the
        until then.                   came and went.               f o r  a  co n t e n d e r.     “ I   w a n t   He  averaged  17.2  points  and  7.3   right  guys  to  get  the  ball  to.  He
        Citing  a  source,  The  Associated   As  free  agency  approached,  the   championships,  That's  always   assists a game last season, when he   really commands the offence and
        Press reported Lowry had agreed to   Heat appeared to be making moves   been the goal. Money comes with   was restricted to 46 games due to   knows where to get it.”
        a  three-year  deal  worth  an   to pave the way to acquire Lowry in   that  and  you  get  paid,  but   injury. Toronto finished out of the   Lowry is the latest member of the
        estimated US$90 million in a sign-  a sign-and-trade. They picked up   championships are a big key into   playoffs, in 12th spot in the East.  Raptors' 2019 championship team
        and-trade  with  Toronto  that  will   the  option  on  Dragic's  $19.4-  why I play this game,” he said.  Listed at six foot and 196 pounds,   to leave the fold. Kawhi Leonard,
        send  veteran  point  guard  Goran   million contract for the 2021-2022   The  Raptors  will  look  to  Fred   Lowry makes his living in a land of   Marc  Gasol,  Danny  Green,  Norm
        Dragic and power forward Precious   season, which would help to make   VanVleet  to  take  over  as  floor   giants. And he is willing to put his   Powell and Ibaka are among those
        Achiuwa to the Raptors. There was   the numbers work in a deal.  general.               body  on  the  line,  with  a  league-  who have already moved on.
        no immediate word whether those   Lowry  is  also  said  to  be  close  to   Lowry  became  the  face  of  the   leading 166 charges taken over the   Toronto  Mayor  John  Tory  paid
        players will stick in Toronto or head   Heat  star  Jimmy  Butler,  who   Toronto  franchise,  a  gritty   last five seasons.  tribute to Lowry, calling him “the
        elsewhere  to the deal.       reportedly was nearing a contract   combative guard who helped lead   Lowry is Toronto's franchise leader   greatest Raptor of all time.”
        A 15-year NBA veteran, the 35-year-  extension with Miami.  the team to the promised land in   in triple-doubles (16), three-points   “He showed our city who we want
        old Lowry has spent the last nine   “To be honest with you, my family   2019  when  it  dispatched  the   goals  (1,518),  assists  (4,277)  and   to be. The fighter. The leader,” Tory
        seasons as a Raptor.          will be a major factor in this,” Lowry   Golden  State  Warriors  in  six   steals  (873).  And  with  10,540   said  in  a  statement.  “The  player
        The debate over Lowry's future had   said  in  his  end-of-season  media   games. He has made a career out of   points,  he  ranks  second  to  good   who's got your back and leads the
        started prior to the trade deadline   meeting in May, when asked about   proving people wrong.  “I enjoy the   friend DeMar DeRozan (13,296) in   charge.  Who  takes  the  charge.
        but he remained a Raptor, finishing   what  will  shape  his  decision  on   challenge  of  people  counting  me   the Raptors record book.  Who falls down and gets back up.
        out a difficult 27-45 season played   what's next. “And also money talks   out, counting the team out,” he said   With  601  games  and  20,813   Again and again.”
        in Tampa due to pandemic-related   and  years  talk  and  all  that  stuff.   in May. Scotiabank Arena became   minutes played in Toronto colours,
        travel restrictions.          Let's be real.               Lowry's house.               Lowry is also second to DeRozan.  -The Canadian Press

                                                                    Andre De Grasse races to gold

                                                                    in men's 200 metres

                                                                   I'm going to have to get second. I                         “Unfortunately, I couldn’t see
                                                                   can't catch him.”                                          anybody and was running for my
                                                                   Lesson learned, and since Bolt left                        life,” Lyles said. “I thought I was
                                                                   the scene, De Grasse said he's   Andre De Grasse, the      the one behind. I felt like I was
                                                                   only gotten stronger and more fit.   Canadian who ran his first   the one chasing.”
                                                                   Meanwhile, the world has been                              Nope. De Grasse was doing the
                                                                   looking for someone, anyone, to   sprint as a teen in baggy   chasing. And catching. And,
        Andre De Grasse, the                         came up short winning  take the former champion's place   basketball shorts and   finally, winning. He's the first
        Canadian who ran his first               bronze and silver, so it’s just  in the marquee track events.  borrowed spikes, now has   sprint gold medalist for Canada
        sprint as a teen in baggy          good to have that gold medal.  On Sunday night, Italian sprinter   an Olympic gold medal   since Donovan Bailey won the 100
        basketball shorts and         No one can take that away    Marcell Jacobs came from        in the 200 meters.         at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics.
        borrowed spikes, now has      from me.”                    nowhere to win the 100, leaving                            De Grasse went through injuries
        an Olympic gold medal         The most memorable of De     De Grasse behind in what is                                and setbacks in virtually every
        in the 200 meters.            Grasse's near misses came in 2016,   usually considered his second-                     year since his close calls in Rio. He
        De Grasse powered past        when he took silver in the 200-  best distance.                                         admits there were times when he
        a pair of Americans — Kenny   meters in Rio, and had the   But finally, De Grasse has cashed                           wondered if he'd ever make it to
        Bednarek and the favorite, Noah   audacity to mess with Bolt.  in. It's his first gold at a major                      the top step of the podium.
        Lyles — to finish in 19.62 seconds   It was a semifinal race and the two   event after amassing two silvers   Josephus, who is also a sprinter   “Worth the wait, definitely,” he
        Wednesday and take one of the   were far ahead of the field and   and six bronzes at Olympics and   but failed to qualify.  said.
        titles that Usain Bolt had owned   easily going to make the medal   world championships since 2015.  At one point this summer, Lyles   Quite an accomplishment for a
        for the previous three Olympics.  race. But on instructions from his   “It’s persistence," said decathlon   appeared headed for an attempt   one-time point guard who got
        It ends a string of close calls for   coach, who wanted to wear out   leader Damian Warner, who hung   at a 100-200 double. But his 100 at   into track on a whi m. On the bus
        the 26-year-old and fills out a   the champ, De Grasse kept   out near the track to watch his   Olympic trials was a mess, and his   in high school, he bumped into a
        medal collection that was only   pushing. It forced Bolt to kick   Canadian teammate win. “He’s   best race of the season was the   friend, who challenged him to
        missing gold. De Grasse won   things back into overdrive.  had to go against Usain Bolt,   200 final in Eugene, Oregon.  come out to the track. De Grasse
        bronze four nights earlier in the   Bolt won the race but playfully   Yohan Blake, all these tough   Lyles made a mistake Tuesday   thought he could beat his buddy,
        100 to go with the third-place   wagged his finger at De Grasse.   competitors. So it’s not like he’s   night in the semifinals, slowing   so he went out in his basketball
        medal he took in that event in Rio   The moment went viral, and Bolt   just choking or losing in the final.   down too far before the line,   shorts, started from a standing
        de Janeiro.                   insisted he wasn't pleased. He   He’s losing to some really great   getting edged out for the two   position and finished in 10.9.
        Given all he's been through, it was   came back to blow away De   athletes.”            automatic spots in his heat, and   An Olympic bronze medalist from
        no surprise when he revealed that   Grasse in the final, by nearly a   This time, he beat some — most   being forced to wait to see if his   1984, Tony Sharpe, was sitting in
        he'd been crying behind the   quarter second, but the champion   notably, Lyles, the reigning world   time would earn him a qualifying   the stands that day, looking for
        bronze — or were they gold —   suggested the extra energy didn't   champion at 200 meters who has   spot.             new talent. He saw that race and
        colored shades he wore for the   help in his futile quest to re-set   been on a difficult road to the   It did, but it cost him in the final.   said, “Who is this guy?”
        race.                         his world record of 19.19.   Tokyo Olympics. He openly talked   Forced to start in Lane 3, Lyles   That was in 2012.
        “It’s my first time being so   “I came back for that final and I   about his mental-health issues   pushed out too quickly. He had   Now it's 2021, and nobody is
        emotional on the track,” De   was gassed, tired,” De Grasse said.   and the anguish of coming to the   the lead heading into the   asking anymore.
        Grasse said. "I always thought I   “I looked to my side, and I said   Games without his brother,   homestretch but didn't know it.                        With files from Eddie Pells
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