Page 58 - Practical DF2 Corrected (2)
P. 58
Pharm D Clinical Pharmacy program 2024-2025 Level 2, Semester 2 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms II (PT 405)
Acne Vulgaris Cream
• Sebaceous glands are sac-like structures which usually open to the skin surface
by way of the canals of the hair follicles.
• The condition acne vulagaris involve enlargement of the sebaceous glands and
bacterial infection of the follicular opening.
• The blackhead or comedone, and abnormal mass of keratin and sebum within
the follicular opening are a mild manifestation of this disorder, but this may
proceed to varying degrees of inflammation.
• Acne generally starts about puberty and usually cures itself during the twenties
(mainly due to hormonal regulation).
The formula for preparation of acne vulgaris cream is the following:
Sulfur 5g
Resorcinol 2g
Potassium hydroxide 0.74 g
Stearic acid 15 g
Glycerol 5g
Distilled water to 100 g
Fiat cream. Mitte 15 g