Page 106 - Make Up Your English
P. 106

tH       Allo stesso modo,  per esempio,  anche il verbo to see,se usato con il significato  di incontrare,e  il verbo

               to look, se usato con il significato di guardare, possono  essere usati alla forma progressiva.
      0s       e.g. She's seeing him tomorrow night. (Lo incontrerà  domani sera)
                  She's looking  at the new eye shadows.  (Sta guardando gli ombretti nuovi)
       M       Infine, il present continuous  può  essere usato anche per esprimere disapprovazionenei  confronti
       A       di un'abitudine  considerata  irritante e, in questo  caso, è accompagnato  dall'avverbio always
       K       e.g. He's always complaining  about my style. (Si lamenta  sempre  del mio stile)
       E          You're  always staring at people. (Fissi  sempre  la gente)

               Í  Trasforma le seguentifrasi usando  il presente  El Hurry up! The bus ............  .
       P          progressivo,  quindi volgile informa interro-  El Where are you, George? In the kitchen. I
                  gativa e negativa.                                   a meal.
                                                             fl  Hello. Can I speak to Anne, please? She
               ll  Susan uses a strawberry  mask.
                                                                       a shower  at the moment.  Can you
               El I massage her client's back.
                                                                phone again later?
               E You study English.                          E Mary
               El Beauty-therapists  use high-frequency.                    the face pack from her client's
               H My aunt tidies up the room.
               E They apply a soft exfoliator  on their client's  E Costruisci delle  frasi  sia affermative sia ne-
                  faces.                                        gative usando le parole date.
               tr She reads a magazine while she waits for      e.g,I/wash/my  hair. I'm washing my hair at
                  her turn.                                        the moment./I'm  not washing my hair at
               El I call for an appointment.                       the moment.

               E Volgi le seguentifrasi  informa  interrogativa  ll  Itlsnow
                  e negativa.                                El I/sit/on the chair
                                                             I  lleat
               lI  The teacher  is taking a cotton  bud from that
                                                             El Itlrain
                                                             Él lllearn/English
               El I am going  out with Jack.
                                                             H l/listen/to the radio/while/work
               tr The steam is opening  pores.
                                                             E The sun/shine
               !l  A beauty therapist  is massaging her client's
                                                             E l/wait/for  the break
                                                             El l/wear/my  favourite shoes
               El Mr Smith is explaining the lesson.
                                                             ffi lhead/anewspaper
               Gl They are applying make-up  to their model.
                                                             fl  l/do/this exercise
               E I am removing  dead cells with the exfoliator.
                                                             lE I/massage/my  client's  back
               tr We are going to school.
                                                             lE I/attend/a  make-up  course
               El You are cleansing yourface.
                                                             lB I/cleanse/my  face
               ID Kelly and I are applying the face pack to
                                                             lE l/remove/hair/by  waxing
                  the client.
                                                             lD Vapply/a new cream foundation
               E Completa  Ie seguenti  frasi  inserendo  la  for-  El Inserisci  i/ present  continuous  oppure il pre-
                 ma corretta di uno dei seguenti  verbi: to
                                                                sent simple.
                 build  to reÍnove  to come  to have  -  to
                 play  to cook  to stand  -  to swim.        n  It's four oblock. She ............ (to do) her exercise.
                                                             EI  On Saturdays  I ............ (to go) shopping.
               ll  Listen! Patty ............ the piano.     g  Every  morning Mr Brooke      (to take)
               E They        a new hotel in the city centre     abus and       (to go) to school.
                 at the moment.
                                                             B  I ............ (to massage) my client's back.
               El Look! Somebody  in the river.              g  Mark ............ (to watch) television at the
               E You        on my foot. Oh,I'm sorry!           moment.
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