Page 237 - Make Up Your English
P. 237
<@ Extension
Q expressing conditions o lwish... 1X
O using indirect speech O compound and phrasalverbs
O towork presentand pastcon- M
Skills ditional A
O make-up products O if-clauses
O future in the past K
O present conditional and past
O if-clauses '! 2 u
O indirect speech P
Learning How to Apply
Oggi Mrs Jackson terrà una lezione
sul trucco.
Leggi il dialogo e sottolinea tutte le
if-clause usate nel dialogo.
MRs JAcKsox: Hallo, girls!
crRr.s: Good morning Mrs Jackson!
MRs JAcKsox: Well, girls. Today
we are going to repeat something
about make-up. Listen to me very
carefully! You'll have a practical
exam on this treatment! I need
one of vou as model. Who's com- .llnp: I think the first thing I should do is remove
ing? all the make-up from her face. First I would use
JENNv: Can I be the model today, Mrs Jackson? a make-up remover, and then I would cleanse
MRs JAcKsoN: Sure, Jenny. Sit down here, her skin with cotton wool pads dampended in
please. You never wear very much make-up, some cleansing milk.
Jenny. I would put on a bit more if I were you. MRs JAcKson: What would you do after remov-
JENNY: Would you, Mrs Jackson? WhY? ing all the make-uP?
MRs JAcKsott: Your eyes are really wonderful. I lnrp: After removing all the make-up, I would
would emphasise them in a different way! I'll look at the shape of her face. Actually, the make-
show you later, Jenny. up always depends onl the shape of the face'
You should never do without2 considering it!
JENNY: OK, Mrs Jackson, thank You.
MRs JAcKsoN: What would you do if your client MRs JAcKsox: Good, Jane. I wish you would
were already wearing make-up? always give me such perfect answers! Anne,
JENNv: As I am already wearing make-up... what is the shape of JennY's face?
MRs JACKSoN: It's not your turn, Jenny. Be si- ANNE: Jenny has got a triangular face...
lent, please. Jane, what do you think you should MRs JAcKsoN: Go on, Anne. What would you do
do? if you had to apply JennY's make-uP?